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Everything posted by DADAKOTA

  1. Figured at least Wrench might know.
  2. Feb 8 in Camdenton. Anyone ever been? Was it worthwhile? Trying to decide if I want to make the drive.
  3. Both. Too much time piping loud music through a pair of headphones. Way too many rounds run through a shotgun and rifle as well.
  4. Those are some dandies. Making me want to wet a line. -8 here this morning so I'll just work.
  5. Sorry to hear this Ryan. Thoughts and prayers to you and the family.
  6. Be wary of the rising water. I always had the best fishing on rising water, then the peak was not bad. Falling water was no bueno. Amazing how many crappie can be caught there. Hybrids as well. Never bothered with minnows. A roadrunner, rattle trap, and a shad rap were all I needed.
  7. Hard to get legal access to be above the millpond. I've floated from Hwy 32 to Blackjack.
  8. I have the old Rapala knife and it is functional but dulls quickly. The Buck fillet knives are awesome and hold an edge for a long time.
  9. Been years since I went to Caplinger. Heard the bridge was closed off as they are trying to determine ownership. The place has gone downhill due to the riffraff that hang out down there. Used to be a nice free campground on the eastern upstream side of the dam, but saw that it is a cabled off as private now. I'd imagine the ground at the highway bridge is private as well. Caught plenty of big crappie and some nice walleye down there over the years. Sure ne nice if MDC would put in an access somewhere in the millpond.
  10. I'd imagine the crappie guides put a major hurt on the population with FFS. Multiple limits taken daily for hundreds of days/year. Far different than the angler with FFS taking a few to eat for dinner.
  11. I'm all for catch and release immediately tournaments, but they have their own difficulties including cheating. Catch and weigh derbies still have cheaters, rule benders, and ethical problems. I could care less about FFS unless I have to compete against them. Heck, I wish the A-rig was illegal. On the winter river derbies, I wonder about the mortality of fish taken from a wintering hole and let go miles away at the put in. Sure seems that the anti-FFS bandwagon has no issues with technological advances in SI/DI graphs, 360, boats, motors, trolling motors, rods, reels, and baits. All of which make it easier to find and catch fish. FFS has made quite a few folks more efficient fishermen than they were before FFS. The amount of crappie stockpiled by some dock owners at LOZ would boggle one's mind.
  12. Can't wait to read it. My wife's Grandparents owned the Drug Store in Galena for many years. Her Grandpa used to organize and guide trips on James River.
  13. Thanks for all the suggestions
  14. Going to be around the Branson/Table Rock area later in the week. Are there any good tackle shops to visit? Don't care for Bass Pro.
  15. Been several drown at Caplinger over the years. Before Stockton was built folks used to water ski in the millpond. My FIL's brother was pulling skiers one day in my FIL's boat. He failed to make the downstream turn and took the boat over the mill dam. Surprisingly no one drowned. Drinking was involved. Boat was totaled.
  16. Hoping we don't get an early freeze up.
  17. So Mav are we talking buzzbaits, jigs, stickbaits, ????????
  18. Great work. What a nice looking pond. Spent the opener at Bob Brown. Took an 11 year old on his first duck hunt. I believe he is hooked. Not only killed his first duck, but a limit as well. He was shooting the gun I learned on as well as my Son learned on. My Dad did a great job of picking out that little Ithace 3" 20 single. On its 3rd generation now.
  19. Sounds like a great cast n blast
  20. I blame it more on poor upbringing and social media. Our little weekly derby draws 7-10 boats and occasionally a couple more. 1000 acre lake with a max HP of 25. Simple low key derby you'd think, after all only a $40 entry per team. Yet we have a couple of boats with no common courtesy. All for the ego trip I suppose and to put it all on social media. Self proclaimed hammers. I won't get into the over HP'd boats that are re-decaled or the old motor conversions to higher HP.
  21. We have a couple of those types in our local derby as well Champ. No common courtesy or respect for any other fishermen.
  22. Witt best start hitting the ball or it will be golf club season.
  23. Whether bird dogs or duck dogs a day spent hunting with either that is well trained, is automatically just a better day.
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