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  1. For those putting it off, my suggestion is to do it. I never realized how much I wasn't doing because of a bad knee until I got it replaced. You are less active because everything you do hurts. For me this lead to weight gain and generally being out of shape. The new knee isn't perfect but it is way better than the one I had. Big plus is it doesn't hurt constantly. Went on a 10 day canoe trip to Quetico and the new knee was the least of my problems.
  2. Missouri has 114, I think. Enjoy the journey
  3. As a rod builder I think RPS's offer is great. If any of you have ever had interest is a custom rod I would jump on this. When I build a rod for someone I charge $100 for my labor and he is offering his labor for free. So if you have had those rods that would be perfect except..... the handle is too long/short, reel seat uncomfortable, didn't like the guides, etc. This is your chance to get what you want. I encourage you to take him up on his offer. It is a hobby for him much as it has been for me. I normally do not build for anyone but myself, family and close friends. With that said I doubt anyone will make you a offer like this again.
  4. Cool stuff as always, Jim.
  5. timinmo

    Photo thread

    That is some cool stuff Jim.
  6. So I would not judge anything by the country it comes from. Good stuff comes from all over. Most of the rods are made in China, with exceptions of a few brands. The US made rods would include Loomis, St Croix, Cashion and probably more that I can't think of right now. Many many reels come out of the Doyo and Banax(?) factories. Most Lews, Abu, Ardent, Penn and Pflueger all come out of the same factories. I just view it like a GM factory where several brands may run down the same line, the same would apply to Ford or Chrysler. I think both Banax and Doyo are Korean companies with factories in China as well.
  7. Thanks for the link tjm. Found it very interesting.
  8. Al, appreciate you taking the time to test your reels. Consider this a follow up to Mitch's above statement. Is KastKing made in US? As opposed to it being a US company with product made overseas. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and best wishes for the coming new year.
  9. For the past 6 years or so I have worked at a sporting goods store. I always felt it was part of my job to be able to give reliable advice on equipment, including reels. With that being said I have reels from Daiwa, Shimano, Lews and Abu. My opinion is they all work, pick something that feels good in your hand at a price level you are comfortable with. I probably use more Daiwa on a day to day basis and am a believer in the "SV" system. Most of the arguments people have are just a "Ford vs Chevy" deal. Best of luck.
  10. Ham, I have enjoyed the journey. Wishing the best of luck in the new year, new quest. You have entertained many of us. Thanks.
  11. This is just a political battle that has nothing to do with what is "right or wrong". Unfortunately the whole thing has degenerated into party lines and what is good for the long term is cast aside by petty bickering. Some people in that part of the state are still mad about the restrictions of the scenic rivers. In the long term, as I see it, a few people will gain and the people of Missouri will lose.
  12. Wish you the best in your quest. Just because it is not "my" quest doesn't mean I can't enjoy your journey.
  13. Having both bought and used Jim's jigs I can not imagine any better in their class. They are works of art that catch fish.
  14. Beautiful fish. I want to hear the story.
  15. The small streams are there and you can find them. The upper ends are where you want to look, as Al said. but it will take a little exploring. The Paddlers Guide published by MDC can help but it usually stops on any stream before the fishable water stops. My best suggestion would be pick a stream you are interested in and them follow it on a map to the upper reaches. There are some public access on the smaller water but it might take some searching. Good luck.
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