Got to fish out of the back deck of my buddy John's boat today which I appreciate.
Fishing was a slow, we boated half a dozen small spots, and one keeper walleye.
Kind of a weird morning. John caught the keeper walleye on a top water, I have heard of people getting one on a top water, but this is the first I have witnessed. Coincidentally John's wife had commanded him to bring home some fish to fry, so it worked out well to get that chunky walter.
John hooked a good smallie on a crank and it immediately got hung on something that we think may have been fishing line. We could see the fish, it was a good one, I bet 3 lbs. minimum, it was about 3-4 feet down, and we made a couple of attempts to net it, but it was just at the limits of as far as we could get the net down, and the fish finally pulled off and disappeared - we were able to get the crank back.
As we were idling thought the PC idle zone, we saw a hawk pounce on something on a rocky point. As we got close the hawk flew off carrying a good sized snake. Snake must have made the mistake of coming out to warm up in the sun. I have never seen a hawk get a snake before. Could not tell what kind of snake it was, but it looked to be 3 feet long.
Even though we did not catch many fish, it was a good morning to be out on the water.
Didn't see any striper activity or striper boats. Plenty of shad in the PC no wake zone.