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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. The IRS suspected a fishing boat owner wasn't paying proper wages to his Deckhand and sent an agent to investigate him. IRS AUDITOR: “I need a list of your employees and how much you pay them". Boat Owner: “Well, there's Clarence, my deckhand, he's been with me for 3 years. I pay him $1,000 a week plus free room and board. Then there's the mentally challenged guy. He works about 18 hours every day and does about 90% of the work around here. He makes about $10 per week, pays his own room and board, and I buy him a bottle of Bacardi rum and a dozen Budweiser's every Saturday night so he can cope with life. He also gets to sleep with my wife occasionally". IRS AUDITOR: “That's the guy I want to talk to - the mentally challenged one".Boat Owner: “That would be me. What would you like to know”?
  2. A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying, 'Everyone who thinks they're stupid, stand up!' After a few seconds, Little Larry stood up. The teacher said, 'Do you think you're stupid, Larry?' 'No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!' Larry watched, fascinated, as his mother smoothed cold cream on her face. 'Why do you do that, mommy?' he asked. 'To make myself beautiful,' said his mother, who then began removing the cream with a tissue. 'What's the matter, asked Larry 'Giving up?' The math teacher saw that Larry wasn't paying attention in class. She called on him and said, 'Larry! What are 2 and 4 and 28 and 44?' Larry quickly replied, 'NBC, FOX, ESPN and the Cartoon Network!' Larry's kindergarten class was on a field trip to their local police station where they saw pictures tacked to a bulletin board of the 10 most wanted criminals. One of the youngsters pointed to a picture and asked if it really was the photo of a wanted person. 'Yes,' said the policeman. 'The detectives want very badly to capture him.' Larry asked, "Why didn't you keep him when you took his picture ? " Little Larry attended a horse auction with his father. He watched as his father moved from horse to horse, running his hands up and down the horse's legs and rump, and chest. After a few minutes, Larry asked, 'Dad, why are you doing that?' His father replied, 'Because when I'm buying horses, I have to make sure that they are healthy and in good shape before I buy. Larry, looking worried, said, 'Dad, I think the UPS guy wants to buy Mom .... '
  3. That's a hoot!
  4. I'll get a food thread going this weekend, unless RPS wants to run with it. @rps
  5. Sorry to hear that buddy, hang in there, and if you decide to move down here, we'll get together and chase some bass!
  6. So.....does this make it OK to shoot kayaks? Just kidding of course (trying to head off someone losing it over this comment made in jest).
  7. Makes me wonder what the process is for someone that has recently recovered from COVID, whether they should get the vaccine. It doesn't make sense to me that you'd need a vaccine if you've recently recovered from it, but I'm a layman and this virus is certainly different.
  8. How 'bout that Rick Clunn? He is in the last Bucket, something like 45% have selected him.
  9. When I lived in Washington State, PETA types let loose 10,000 mink from a mink farm. Close to one of my fishing holes. 10,000 mink released from Sultan farm cages | The Seattle Times
  10. And you make a good point, I'm down on the list myself, it's not like I have to make a choice right now. It is very likely I'll get it, but I'll look around and see how things are going when it comes time to cross that bridge.
  11. BTW, where are you seeing hysteria? None around here, but curious where it is going on.
  12. Well I don't see it as nonsense myself. It's only nonsense if you believe it to be so. People going to believe what they believe, I personally believe that I don't want to catch this stuff.
  13. Appears to be a "thing". Here's a link, wish I could find one without ads. Viral Video: Man swims in Bass Pro Shops fish tank | | ktbs.com
  14. You have to laugh at that. Hey I think that every time you go out fishing you should take a picture of a rock on the shore, post it on here so we can play the game, "Where was the BH fishing". 😄
  15. Well it happened. But if that has no meaning to you, I'm OK with it.
  16. Wife of a guy I used to work with just got out of the ICU after spending 10 days there. Didn't ask him if she had been on a ventilator or not, but now she has to go to both speech and physical therapy. What do we have, 340,000,000 people in the US? If everyone of us got it and the mortality rate is just .5% then that works out to 1,700,000 people dead. O course I wonder about the accuracy of that 99.5% number.
  17. Used to be a bunch of eagles that wintered over at Swepco, not unusual to see 20-30 of them. Then a few years ago they pretty much all disappeared. Previously chicken farmers in the area would toss dead chickens out on the ground that had died in the chicken houses and the eagles would eat them (talk about nasty carrion). The state made it illegal to do the chicken toss and the eagles left.
  18. Sign me up! PM me your Paypal addy please.
  19. Well just about every competitive fisherman out there will get it and I would think most of them will be skillful in it's use. Then with everyone using it, fishing skill will come into play as the differentiator. I was watching the Texas Team Trail show the other day, they were fishing Rayburn, most of the boats had Livescope.
  20. A search on yellow perch will yield a whole bunch of info. Thought this was interesting: Perch are commonly active during the day and inactive at night except during spawning when they are active both day and night. Perch are most often found in schools. Their vision is necessary for schooling and the schools break up at dusk and reform at dawn. The schools typically contain 50 to 200 fish, and are arranged by age and size in a spindle shape. Younger perch tend to school more than older and larger fish, which occasionally travel alone, and males and females often form separate schools. Some perch are migratory, but only in a short and local form. They also have been observed leading a semianadromous life. Yellow perch do not accelerate quickly and are relatively poor swimmers. The fastest recorded speed for a school was 54 cm/s (12.08 mph), with individual fish swimming at less than half that speed.
  21. Yeah that movie is a good one. He's good in Red Rock West. Can't think of any other good ones he's in after that. Classic case of a good actor that was in a lot of bad movies.
  22. Well somebody has to kickoff the year with a largemouth. Caught this one Tuesday over on Table Rock.
  23. In Washington they'd fill plastic bags with water, put 500 fingerlings in the bag and get volunteers to hike in and stock the trout in the alpine lakes. I never would do that myself, it's a workout to get hike up into those lakes without having an additional several gallons of water in your backpack. Made for some great fishing if you were willing to do the hike. In some of the lakes that had streams coming in the trout could spawn and they'd have a self-sufficient population, and if they were brook trout they could get over-populated and you'd have a lake full of runt brookies. But that all changed about 20 years ago, those alpine lakes never had native populations of trout, but did have salamanders and frogs. To protect the fragile amphibian populations they stopped stocking trout in a lot of the lakes.
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