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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. That first bass looks like it is about 4 feet long! 😃 Congrats on some great fish!
  2. Need to get that gal signed up for the BPT!
  3. Humminbird has (or had) that map maker function. Pretty neat for small lakes that don't make it on the mapping apps. But, if you're going to build a map using that feature it will take a long time to do it on anything over about 50 acres.
  4. Nope, they all don't have the same talent (or lack thereof).
  5. Hmmm, maybe that says something about his fans..
  6. Yep I believe spoons can catch them, just not something I like to do for stripers, I would rather find them on top and if I can't find them, I'll go bass fishing.
  7. Got out at daylight today, went looking for top water stripers, and had another morning where there just wasn't much of that going on. I did catch a couple of 18" stripers on top and had one other blow up that looked to be one that was a bit bigger. Went bass fishing after that, caught 15 bass, only two were keepers and both keepers were smallmouth. Top water, jigs, and Keitech caught fish. Threw a jig at the deep end of a dock, it sank for a second or two and then got hammered. Seemed to be a classic bass bite, but it turned out to be a 3 lb. channel cat. WT 74
  8. Well shoot, been thinking of giving them a try myself. Did you try up shallow or were you mainly deep fishing?
  9. Rapala BX Wake Minnow will wake right out of the box. Unfortunately they don't have a jointed version so it does not have the snaky motion of a jointed Redfin.
  10. Dang pesky 19" fish.
  11. Well I am a still looking - went out early today with a buddy and we covered lots of water, never saw much top water activity, at least from stripers. Black bass were active, buddy caught a 3 lb. LM on a fluke over 50 FOW, we caught several nice 15-16" spotted bass, a few smaller spots and finished up with several smallmouth off a rocky bank on jigs. Black bass are chasing shad on top in places, seems to reason so would the stripers, but it just isn't happening. Saw a few guides pulling shad down by point 6 that might be a good place to start looking.
  12. Curious if Wheeler got any on a top water later in the day? I didn't see any of the last few hours. Today should be interesting with all the boat traffic.
  13. Looks like a drop shot fest so far. It will be interesting to see if when it gets into the evening if someone finds a schooling top water bite.
  14. Wow. didn't know biting gnats were a problem in that part of the world. Never have been bothered by them here or over at Table Rock. There are gnats here, tons of them at times, but they don't bite. P.S. - When you guys come down here to fish, make sure you don't being any of those things with you, don't need yet another invasive species. 😄
  15. Thanks for posting that, those guys always make good videos. I'll check it out once I get some time.
  16. Yeah the bass were definitely swimming with the gar, however I have found that later in the summer and into fall the gar will school up in certain areas and I haven't found bass around them when they do at that time of year. I was at the mouth of the Kings a couple of years ago in the fall, saw top water activity quite a ways away in back of that island near the mouth, I was probably at least 1/2 a mile away and could see the "blow-ups". Hoped it was black bass or maybe a big school of whites. Shot over there and it was nothing but gar and lots of them.
  17. Good luck with the move and best wishes for the future. Look forward to hearing some Skiatook reports. All the water that is now in OK, you may be able to launch your boat at the border and boat all the way to your new location.
  18. Got to the launch at the crack of dawn, couple of other guys came in after me and as I cruised past Emerald Beach, couple of boats were launching there - lots of guys getting out there early. Early is was flat calm, quite a bit of scattered top water activity on shad schools. Seemed to be more shad schools than bass feeding on them and the bass were scattered, some on the bank and some mid channel with some in between those 2 places. I couldn't get much of a top water bite going, got a few, and a few on c-rigged UV Speed Craws. Later in the morning I caught a few on a 3.8 Keitech, a couple came off a dock end that was over 60 FOW and a couple off steep rocky points, never could find any schools of bass for the Keitech, just some scattered fish. Caught a smalls on a crank bait and had a few bites on jigs but never boated any. Wind really got going so I called it a day around 1130. 15 bass total and a few other species.
  19. HAHA, you know I think if a guy wanted to target them with of those rope yarn lure deals I think you could really whack them right now.
  20. Gar are certainly active now, they're after the shad too. I think I saw more gar on top than bass yesterday. Saw some spoonies jumping too.
  21. It's on the internet - Majorleaguefishing.com.
  22. Seems a strange time to shut it off, maybe it has to do with the flooding in the Arkansas river.
  23. Stuck him right in the very tip of his snout. As far as the perch, I am thinking about bringing some red worms one of these days.
  24. Quillback


    That is something. I would think it has hurt some businesses around the lake too.
  25. I get my 87 ethanol free gas at a place in Garfield AR. Being a suspicious type, I have tested it a couple of times and it has been ethanol free. As long as I can get it, I'll run it in my boat.
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