Spent three mornings fishing around Indian Creek and the dam basin this week. 2 of those days I had someone with me, and one day I was solo. I have been targeting smallmouth, the fishing has been good for them, usually we're putting between 25-35 smallies in the boat every morning. Mostly 12-16 inch fish with a couple of 17 and 18 inch fish thrown in. Swimming Keitechs and dragging a Ned have been working, seems the Keitechs work better when there is some wind, Ned when it is calm. Still getting fish shallow, but some are moving out into 10-15 FOW.
Not seeing much striper activity, I did get lucky and was able to get a top water on one that came up near the boat chasing shad. I'm guessing it weighed about 12 pounds. It popped that bait 4 times before finally getting it. It pays to have a top water tied on and ready to cast for when those striper opportunities appear.
I was working the keitech today, got a hook up, heavy fish. I worked it towards the boat and felt it let go, saw that I had about a 5 inch spotted bass on the hook, which surprised me, no way that fish was pulling that hard, all of a sudden a big walleye appeared and grabbed that little bass, then let go of it. What I think happened is that I hooked that little bass, and right away that walleye grabbed it and held on as I got it to the boat, then it let go and came back after it. It left some gouges in that poor little bass.
Water temp was 74 today, water is stained green, but clear. In some places I could see bottom in 15 FOW.
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