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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I made a right out of Big M instead of going left so I never made it down to the Pt. 23 area.
  2. Nice brown one.
  3. My struggles continue, caught 5 bass today. Got one LM that was 3 lbs. on a swim jig and one that was about 15" that ate the swim jig also. Got 3 on a size 90 Whopper Plopper, all shorts. Probably has at least another 1/2 dozen try and grab the Plppper, but they seemed pretty uncoordinated this morning and had issues grabbing the lure. Swings and misses. Monarch butterfly migration is going on, noticed some flying south today. Pretty amazing that they can flutter along like that and make it to Mexico for the winter. Quite a few predator type birds around, eagles, red tails, and an osprey or two. Water temp was 75-76.
  4. Makes me wonder if the Cabelas in Rogers will become a BPS outlet. I assume they are going to consolidate all the products under one name. Might be some good close-out sales at Cabelas in the future.
  5. Nice smallie!
  6. Dang fog. Nice keeper, water temp has really dropped.
  7. Congrats on the win, and, from what Pepe is saying, congrats on having a son!
  8. Good deal Bo! I tell you, I am fine with them coming off at the boat unless it is a really big one. Saves a lot of trouble and potential for hooks finding human skin.
  9. The weekend of the 12th or 19th of November would work for me. Better chance of decent weather that time of year also.
  10. With my knee replacement on 12/7, I'm out of this if you guys are going to push it past the weekend of 12/3. I could make an early February outing if ya'll want to push it that far. Regardless, someone needs to plant a stake in the ground and set a date, and then make it happen.
  11. My guess is that they will also use those long rods to sling big cranks like 10 XD's. With the right set up you could launch one of those things a mile.
  12. My guess would be that it is not allowed, but give them a call. 417.895.6880.
  13. Cameramen and marshals are going to need to start wearing helmets and body armor. Or they can allow 30 foot long bass boats to give the room the pros are going to need for their back casts to avoid hitting anyone else in the boat.
  14. The 10th is out for me, I have knee surgery scheduled for the 7th. But, I don't want to hold you guys back if you want to do the 10th. After the holidays might be a good idea also, but it is up to you folks.
  15. I was thinking about starting a thread on this the first week of October, but what the heck, I guess we can start now. It's only a couple of months away. The weekend of 12/3 is the first weekend after Thanksgiving and that seems to work best for everyone's schedule, or we can do the following weekend. Depends when Got Muddy has his mandatory must attend Christmas party, maybe someone that has his contact info can get hold of him and see when that is.
  16. Sorry to hear that. Seems like there is always some bug or virus or something else that messes with any kind of domesticated plant or animal that a person raises around here. Never ending battle.
  17. You need to add a First Aid Kit to your list of gear. Glad to see ya'll go into them, it gives me hope that I too can catch a bass in the near future.
  18. Quillback


    I don't want to watch mismatched teams play at all. I really wish NCAA football would change the rules so that FBS teams play against only other FBS teams. To call this "competition" is ridiculous.
  19. A couple of 3 lbers, not bad at all.
  20. I see Mount Whitney in the background, so sure enough you were on Beaver. Kudos to AGFC for stocking those fish!
  21. If I ever start fishing docks for crappie again, I'll definitely take up the "dock shooting" technique. You can shoot a jig back in those stalls and in spaces between floats pretty well once you get the technique down. Takes some practice for sure, and it is something I would practice in the yard before hitting the lake. Has to be a bunch of videos out there on it.
  22. Yes it is good to see this shot of cold weather we are supposed to get. Looks like they are backing off on the amount of rain we might get, but ,maybe they will be wrong. I hope you are right and it gets the top water and jig bite going. Last time I was out, water was flat calm and it was sunny. There were bass out in the main channel chasing shad, but the bass were not schooled up and were moving around. Could hardly buy a bite working cover with a jig. The main channel fish would bite, but it is hard to stay on them. The shad are everywhere. This is what I am seeing on the upper White, maybe things are different in the lower lake or the other river arms.
  23. Good deal, you'll enjoy your trip with Champ.
  24. Good to hear you're on the mend!
  25. Welcome back!
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