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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Best wished for your wife's recovery. Things were a bit slow up the White yesterday compared to a week ago, but I don't see any turnover going on up there. I'm blaming it on the full moon.
  2. Cold one this morning, and foggy. 27 degrees when I launched, day finished up nice however, 60 when I left at 1 PM. Fishing was a bit slow, I caught 14, with 3 keepers, all except one 14" largemouth were all spotted bass. One here and one there, didn't find any banks with a bunch. Rocks, trees, and points. 15-25 FOW. All on the Ned rig, had one bite on a 2.8 Keitech. Saw half a dozen bass boats. WT45-46
  3. Here's a link to the article. They plan to keep Beaver at around 1120, so when it gets above that, they'll release water. At least that is the plan. I don't know if that will translate into higher flows below TR, I would speculate that will still be dependent on how much rain we get. Corps plan aims to maintain lower Beaver Lake level (nwaonline.com)
  4. Wednesday when they were really biting good, I had 4 or 5 bites on the Ned where they picked it up after it had dropped 3 or 4 feet. I would not hesitate to try it on fish that are coming up on top, cast it at them, let it fall a few feet, then pop it and let it fall again. Cut in half Zinker of course.
  5. Ouch! I would've kept and eaten that fish just for revenge.
  6. Now that is the way to do it, get out early for hunting and while waiting for daylight, watch the show.
  7. A musky would be pretty neat. For a while until it got too big.
  8. Speaking of stuff flying through the air, couple of days ago was walking the dog early in the AM. Saw a bright light flying towards me, my first impression was a low flying jet, got a split second look at it, it was a meteor or possibly some space junk, had a tail, and then poof it was gone. Seen a couple more bright and highly visible meteors the last couple of mornings.
  9. Yep, people see a video that offers them a miracle cure and they are all over it.
  10. I've always thought about doing a native fish aquarium deal, but I'd stick with species that didn't grow very big. I could just follow Ham around when he is creek fishing to gather some fish. Probably will never do it, mainly because I don't want to invest the time into it would take.
  11. Had no idea they lived that long. Couple of big ones at the Indian Creek COE park, makes me wonder how old they are.
  12. Might make a neat aquarium fish, until they outgrow it.
  13. I have never seen a baby gar, or one under 2 feet long for that matter.
  14. Not when I am Ned fishing.
  15. No kidding, yikes! I'd take the dog bites over the stones if I had a choice.
  16. Some great fish, congrats!
  17. Had to go back today after yesterday's good fishing. Not as good today, wind had switched around to the north and it blew pretty good all morning, but really got going about 10 AM. Fish were biting, but really light, missed the first 5 bites before I got a 10" LM to start the day. Had several suspect bites that I never could determine if I was on a piece of wood or rock or it it was a fish, had a few other bites where the line would just kinda flex a bit in a weird way and dang if it wasn't a fish. Just a weird day overall as far as bites. Caught 17, with only 2 keepers. No keeper largemouth today. All on the Ned rig. Fish seemed to be a little deeper today, 15-20 FOW. Rocks and wood. Got a couple of bags of Berkely Maxscent Lil' troopers. Basically a 2.5" craw. Whatever it is they are made of, seems to be very soft and flexible, might work pretty good on a shroom head with a #2 hook. They are small, that 2.5" length includes the claws. Speaking of small baits, a little craw claw came out of one of the spots I caught. It was tiny, smaller than the little claws of these baits. Saw a school of tiny shad swimming on top in front of the boat, those dudes might have been an inch long. Happened to catch a 13" spotted bass right then, brought it back through the school, and those dudes disappeared in a flash. Kinda funny, but then again, I am easily amused. Came back to the ramp today, and a tow truck was backed down the ramp, one of those trucks with the flat bed that tilts down to the ground. The guy was winching a wrecked pontoon onto the bed, it worked, first time I've seen that.
  18. I was kinda glad to get out of the wind.
  19. Nope, I am watching football this weekend. Good luck, post some pics!
  20. Dang, that is a hoss!
  21. Nice fish! I will have a grub tied on next time out. Saw a few come up on top today myself.
  22. They were biting the Ned today. Don't know why, but they were up in 10-20 FOW and just about everywhere I stopped to fish, except gravel. I caught 27, 8 keepers. Dragging the Ned on a 1/8 oz head on the bottom. I thought that maybe the dads were up shallow and the bass were after them, but I only saw one with antennas waving out from it's gullet. But I didn't check a lot of fish either. Didn't see many shad, so I don't know what was going on. Maybe the fish think it is March, because that is what it fished like today. Wind started blowing about 10 AM, and it made it tough for me to detect bites and get good hook sets. Would've been nice to have spot lock, would've caught some more. Mostly main channel fish, found one good bank on an entrance to a cove. Left at 1230, they were still biting, but the wind was making me crazy trying to fish the Ned. Tried some cranking and a bit of jerking, but not one bite on the treble hook stuff. Never saw another boat until I left, then saw one fishing a bank and a kayak in the Big M cove. There were three rigs parked at Big M. WT43-45 Kind of a dark pic for some reason, but a pretty little smallmouth. This one has his winter spots on: Fat spot, this is the time of year when they get fat and healthy: Meanmouth (I think): Best one of the day:
  23. I've had thoughts about moving to somewhere around Mountain Home myself someday. All the lakes around here are getting hammered with fishing pressure and in the summer the rec traffic is getting bad too.
  24. This ought to put some vegetation on the banks too. It all gets killed off when the lake is high all spring so when it goes down then we have however much bank was covered by 10 feet of water that is nothing but gravel or rock.
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