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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Heckuva lot better than I did fishing up the White. I caught 7 bass on the Ned rig, good early bite, then they just quit on me. In compensation, it was about a nice a day for December as you can ask for. Lots of other fishermen out too. Saw the same temps up the White, 46-48.
  2. Well I hope he tipped you well for getting him on that record "smallmouth".
  3. I have not seen that one (probably due to commercial skipping), but sounds like a good one.
  4. I really hate it when I lose Unidentified Fishy Objects. (UFO). I really like to be able to identify what it was that got off.
  5. As I understand it this is a partial shutdown which does not involve the Department of Defense. COE reports to the DOD, so I don't believe we will see any closures at COE facilities. But I could be wrong. You could always call one of the COE field offices, there is one in Rogers and ask them. If there is a shutdown, you can still access the lake, just won't be able to use the COE ramps at the parks.
  6. Never caught one, but I hear they are good to eat.
  7. I asked an AGFC fisheries biologist that question and he told me these bass hybrids are capable of spawning.
  8. I watch too much sports on TV, been going the DVR route, so much better when you can skip past the commercials and halftime breaks. New fishing shows should start next month, so I'll watch some of those too. Don't watch too much other stuff as the above takes up most of my available time to sit in front of the LCD.
  9. Wasn't you, I know. I also think they are a neat fish whatever they are called and how they got crossed. Be pretty neat if there was a cheap, quick DNA test kit available to us to make a quick check before releasing them. Maybe something for Tackle HD to work on? 😜 Edit - I am not mad at anybody BTW.
  10. Fished with OA member Huntest (Dave) yesterday. We launched at dawn into a cold and foggy morning. Fog persisted for a couple of hours, but it warmed up once it burned off. Fishing was a bit slower than I expected, slower than last time I was out last week, but in compensation for the lower numbers, we did catch better fish on average. We caught somewhere between 15 and 20, with maybe half being keeper spots and one keeper meanmouth. We only caught one smallmouth - last time out there was a good smallie bite, but they were hard to come by yesterday - a head scratcher, and only one largemouth boated. All ned fish from chunk rock and bluff banks. WT was 48 if I remember correctly.
  11. Well I guess I am misinformed, I'll keep calling them meanmouth. If I tell people I caught a hybrid, they'll assume it's a white bass/striper cross.
  12. I think he should see if Wrench will trade him that boat for it.
  13. Yep, a master piece for sure. When that truck is ready for the boneyard, I hope onseshot pulls that tailgate off and hangs in on his living room wall. Or sells it at a Sotheby's auction.
  14. You bet Stinger, I wish you well, and look forward to meeting you sometime once you get that myeloma whipped!
  15. It was a nicely colored fish for sure, more of a gold color than what came out in the photo. And I agree, a lot of spotted bass in that fish.
  16. Fished with OA member Huntest (Dave) yesterday. We launched at dawn into a cold and foggy morning. Fog persisted for a couple of hours, but it warmed up once it burned off. Fishing was a bit slower than I expected, slower than last time I was out last week, but in compensation for the lower numbers, we did catch better fish on average. We caught somewhere between 15 and 20, with maybe half being keeper spots and one keeper meanmouth. We only caught one smallmouth - last time out there was a good smallie bite, but they were hard to come by yesterday - a head scratcher, and only one largemouth boated. All ned fish from chunk rock and bluff banks. WT was 48 if I remember correctly. This post has been promoted to an article
  17. Got to the launch a little late this morning, wish I had gotten there at daylight. I say that because when I got to the launch there was striper activity on top, right out on front of the launch. I only lasted for an hour or so, fish were a little finicky as to what they wanted, but I did manage to get one in the boat that I estimate was about 8 lbs. Caught it on a tail spinner. After the striper activity stopped, I went up Indian creek and threw the Ned around. Caught 8 bass, 12-15" fish, mostly spots. Fish were for the most part in 10-15 FOW. Scattered, never found a bunch of them in one place. Caught a walleye that was just a shade over 18", it joined the striper in the live well. WT 48.
  18. see these for sale at BPS, they have several different varieties, but I like these being knee length. Haven't tried them myself, but I wear rubber boots to launch my boat in the winter, and have a pinhole leak in them, if these socks work as advertised that would be nice. $40 price tag scares me a little. https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/sealskinz-lightweight-knee-length-waterproof-socks
  19. Yeah that's what I want to know, where were those heads headed?
  20. Well circling back to the poaching of heads thing, I doubt (though I could be wrong) that those heads were going to end up on a BPS wall somewhere.
  21. Could be a place that sells them, but it is something I wouldn't buy, so I don't know. I could see people getting them for the "lodge look". But... Everyone that is a hunter is going to see it and ask: "Where did you shoot that big boy?" "Well actually I bought that at Jacks' racks and stacks."
  22. So who the heck buys a mounted deer head? Do you hang it on the wall and brag to your friends and tell them a fake story about how you shot that deer?
  23. That was a great trip you guys had, and judging by the blue skies, the weather looked to be great for this time of year.
  24. So I am seeing somewhere in the 8-10 range as far as attendance and staying at Rileys. Should only need one place. Sorry to see you won't make it mreed.
  25. Yeah, it would be great if you could come down here and fish! There are several COE campgrounds in the area, closed now, but open in the spring. Striper fishing usually is pretty good May through about mid-June (assuming no floods), you and the missus could do some camping and catch some fish.
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