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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Thanks for the report. Hopefully the boat traffic lessens after this weekend.
  2. Only time they have worked for me was on schooling top water fish one spring. But those fish will bite a lot of stuff in that situation.
  3. Good on you Thumbs for going down there and helping out. What a mess that storm made.
  4. Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to meet Mr. Beck, but I heard nothing but good about him. Sorry to hear of his passing.
  5. Sorry to hear of that, a wonderful little girl for sure.
  6. Nice bunch of eyes. I'll have to get down there next week and check out some mid-lake fishing, haven't been on that part of the lake since early spring.
  7. Then we'll be complaining about out of control golf carts.
  8. Watching the news last night, saw a Tracker in the background. Lots of bass boats and other fishing boats doing rescue work.
  9. Great fishing weather even though it is tough. Fished one of the Bella Vista lakes early this morning, I had on two long sleeve shirts and I got a little cold, that just hardly ever happens in August.
  10. As punishment for making that video, Edwin and KVD should have to spend Saturday afternoon drop shot fishing out of a 16' Tracker on the main lake by the dam. After about an hour they'll be cursing boats like that cruiser.
  11. So much depends on context. One of the lakes here in Bella Vista has too many 12" bass according to the lakes biologist. They encourage harvest. Swepco lake had a bad over population of large mouth a few years ago, AGFC encouraged (and still does) harvest. And the bass fishing has improved as far as better quality fish. Maybe 10 duck hunters put together that bunch of ducks from a days hunt. No one should be a game hog of course, but it helps to have context behind a picture of harvested game.
  12. Oops, yeah Tuesday shows zero from midnight until 0900.
  13. If I am reading this chart correctly (maybe not), it looks like for tomorrow the zero generation is from 9 PM to 12 AM. http://www.swpa.gov/gen/wed.htm
  14. Think it was someone bow fishing?
  15. Quillback

    What's Cooking?

    Should change the name to "Deep Dish Egg casserole" - sounds more manly.
  16. Landbigfish.com (daily special) has WE double willow and tandem willow SB's on sale for $4.87 each. I'm not buying any as I have plenty, but I know a lot of guys throw them and like them and that is a pretty good price.
  17. He made the cut, not sure what you mean by original field?
  18. I second this.
  19. Not for me either, but looking forward to hearing the story at the next Jigfest.
  20. I believe it is the top 12.
  21. I have never broken a basses jaw using a Boga either. I use it occasionally to weigh a fish, not as a landing device. Very accurate at weighing. If you are reasonably careful you won't injure a fish using a Boga. I doubt I would ever use one on a trout, being IMO a fragile species when it comes to handling. I use genuine Bogas, I can't speak for the knock-offs.
  22. Looks to be a bad one for sure. Might be a good time to fill up as gas prices are predicted to jump.
  23. Yep and throwing more gubmint money will not bring down tuition rates, they'll increase.
  24. They have the same access, as a matter of fact I think it was tougher to get accepted into college then, at least that's my impression, colleges seemed to be more selective. And with what, a ten fold increase in tuition rates since I went in the 80's, there doesn't seem to be an equal improvement in what students receive. Granted there is inflation, but prices haven't increased 10 fold since the 80's except in health care.
  25. Why should tuition be so high? Lower tuition, lower the barriers. .
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