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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Well on a rainy day like today, I am happy to see that there will be another MLF show and two NFL playoff games that I have interest in.
  2. Great read, thanks!
  3. Good to hear there are still some bass swimming around in that area.
  4. There is an old saying - Vanish makes your lures vanish!
  5. Last night the guy from KNWA was saying we could get 2 - 4" here in NWA. But that was a maybe, so who knows?
  6. Dang thing will catch top water fish too, cast it at them, let it sink for a second, rip it a couple of feet, then let it sink on slack line, watch for a twitch in your line.
  7. Sounds like a few browns in it. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/89718.html
  8. Yeah, every time a hard puller gets off when I'm fishing the Ned I get mad at myself for not giving it a super hook set. Probably should start swinging for the fences all the time.
  9. Check this guy out.
  10. I agree, we need some rain.
  11. You betcha!
  12. Truck thermometer was showing 68-70 this afternoon when I was driving around. Had the window down, it was nice.
  13. Excellent! Look forward to seeing you there.
  14. Just looking through the latest Bassmaster magazine and there is a pretty good Ned rig write-up.
  15. This is a good place to ask. For your spinning set up you can't go wrong with a Ned rig that time of year. Here's a link to another OA forum, on page 2 are a couple of Ned videos from Dtrs5kprs the OA Ned guru.
  16. Round 2 was entertaining. Short was getting them around shallow wood with a squarebill. Watson pulled a couple of good ones out late throwing that big spoon back in a boat stall.
  17. No registration necessary, as an OA member you are in. Look forward to seeing you there!
  18. Quillback

    BSSP 2017

    Yeah sturgeon are tough, at least the green and white versions. I fished for them several times in the Columbia river. They had a slot limit at the time, a keeper had to be in the 42"-48" range. We'd anchor up in the river, and fish whole smelt on the bottom. On a good day, you could catch 30-40 of them, but might only get one or two keepers. We'd throw a keeper in a big cooler with some ice, and they would still be alive that night once we got home. I quit keeping them myself as they were not that good to eat IMO.
  19. The things we do to catch fish, well I'll amend that to the things we do to go fishing, as SIO hasn't actually caught one yet...
  20. Thanks for taking the time to write that up, that looks like a deadly set-up!
  21. It's a hard one to describe, even now when I'm grinding the bills off cranks on rocks, sometimes I'll get a bite and I'll ask myself "is that a bite?", and my mind will scream back "YEAH IT"S A BITE, SET THE HOOK!". Fortunately, as mentioned above, if you have a relatively soft tipped rod, it's a bit forgiving and gives the slow folks such as myself a chance to catch that fish. I always like it when they knock slack in the line, you are cranking away and it feels like someone cut your line - weightless - seems those bites are usually good fish too.
  22. Boiled ribs, that ain't right.
  23. Hope he pulls through OK (the fish, not Steve).
  24. I believe they have some steelhead runs, and you've got the Michigan rivers to fish also (might be a bit of a drive).
  25. But were the ribs any good?
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