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Everything posted by jdmidwest

  1. Whatever you do, don't catch minnows and transport them somewhere else. Tisk tisk
  2. Ice has always been a waste of time for me. But further south, it seems to loose its allure. Maybe killer up North. I walked into a blind with a sled of dekes at a blind on Duck Creek one time by myself on a reservation in mid Dec. Opened up a nice hole in the timber and was all ready for action. Turkeys came thru. A deer stumbled thru. The sun popped out and warmed up nicely that day. Ice that I walked thru rotted and I had to lift a leg up waist high and step out an opening all the way back out in a swamp with a load of gear. Took several hours and I about blew a gasket getting out, but I was younger and sturdier then.
  3. Its a tilt to boot, I can load a 4 wheeler or mower if I need too. Nice thing about aluminum trailers, you don't have to paint them much to keep from rusting. I rattlebombed this one good with some glossy enamel to spiff it up. Added LED trailer lights. It was a new trailer that had sit on a lot for 7 years at a local farm store. Was on the way to pick up one off of Craigslist and saw this one. Struck a deal with the Mgr. and came away with a new trailer that was weathered out for little money. Then spent a few hundred more on lumber, materials, paint, lights, wiring, tongue jack, spare tire and rack, storage tubs, tie downs, and a life time license.
  4. I bought a utility trailer and made a rack for it. Put some old load bars on the 2x4 and bolted together with galvanized bolts. I can put the Thules J carriers on it or use it as is. I can put the duck boat on or several yaks. Works pretty good and the rack comes off to haul other stuff. Extra space for dekes or boat stuff, coolers, camp gear, etc. A couple of plastic tubs from Menards make storage for dry stuff.
  5. This forum has many benefits. The whole thing has been alot of fun from the get go. I have met several on here over the years and lost a few. I probably have fished with some and not even known it. I have been spotted once or twice from other members and called out. As far as the skunk goes, I thought we did pretty well for the weather that moved in that day. Sunny and clear all the way up, then a weak cold front rolled in about the same time I hit the garage. By the time we hit the water, full overcast and a north wind. Its been the story of my fishing this year, a few hours too late. I did notice it cleared up and the sun started shining again when I loaded up the boat on Sat.
  6. I was looking earlier this year also. Jet skis usually have nice aluminum tralers that are light and well made, bring a premium. But good for duck boats and big kayaks. Bought a utility trailer and use it now.
  7. I love the way that cash strapped MODOT spends money they don't have on signs, mile markers every 2 tenths on interstate. With today's electronics, why do they need river markers?
  8. Sounds like a good supper.
  9. What ever it is, it does not look real, or alive.
  10. Scarce as hens teeth
  11. Took a drive Friday to meet the best Boat Mechanic in MO. I had been having issues with my boat and thought my shade tree mechanics had dicked it up good. I needed a road trip to see new water and make new friends too. Wonderful drive on a beautiful Friday morning across the lead belt area with plenty of deer, turkeys, and a bald eagle. Arrived onsite at the boat shop and got the boat fixed up in short order. Then off to the lake to enjoy some fishing with one of the other members of this forum. A weak front had moved in on us and the fish were weakly attempting to feed, but we managed to catch some anyway. I enjoyed the time on the water and visiting with him and his family. Spent the night in town and fished the next morning by myself and then drove home, refreshed and relaxed. Thanks Wrench.
  12. Found it at mile marker 10 this weekend. Perfect end to a female doggy of a week.
  13. I have taken a liking to Mile Marker 10. Calmer part of the lake.
  14. It would be a good one for it. Duracoat may fill in pits too. Nephew has been doing stuff with it for a year and they look good when done. It works on steel and aluminum I think.
  15. Cold blue has improved some, less toxic chemical. Duracoat is easy and looks good as long as the gun is not a collectable.
  16. What are you wanting done to it? Re Blue job or fixing rust and pits?
  17. Where I usually find my neighbors dog.
  18. I came home this afternoon to a stray cat lounging on the boat cover. Guess he had to climb up there to get away from the neighbors dogs. He took off for the woods, but stopped to look back. I sped up his step with a bb in his butt. I just bought that new boat cover and am sure it is not warrantied against cat claws. Went inside, mosquitoes too thick and can't spare a pint of blood right now.
  19. Trump bailed on Cape because of Hurricane. Did not go.
  20. Was that the new all black one that they re released a few years back? They quit making the 1322 for a while.
  21. http://www.airgunsmith.com/Benjamin_137/Benjamin_137.html http://www.abairgun.com/images/ben 13x.pdf If thats the model. I saw a 132 on a table at the show for $225 this weekend, way over price. You could shoot a PCP for another bill. Not much to it. Lots of info on the web. My Great Uncle had one in the city we shot at feral cats with. Missed it at his auction. The little pump handle was a finger web pincher. By my time, it was the Crosman 1322 which got lost somewhere. I have a Benjamin HB22 I picked up at Dicks on clearance a few years back that I never took a liking too. My new model Crosman 1322 lacks the zip that the old ones did. That new one I picked up over the weekend has more compression. Thinking about moving the 22 barrel over onto it.
  22. I too plan on going to the PCP route. The airgun guy was not at the show this time. Heading down the CO2 route for now. Good shooting.
  23. Hit paydirt this weekend at the gunshow Friday nite. Bulk box of goodies for all 1 money. Came home with mint in box Crosman 357 CO2 pistol complete, Crosman 1377 like new, Crosman 2240 old style with packaging and manuals, Crosman SSP-250 with all 3 barrels and papers. 2 other CO2 Pistols in boxes, Crosman pistol scope and mount in box, 2 new shoulder stocks in boxes, pellets and CO2 cartridges. Looks like winter projects for me. All from late 80's to early 90's in good shape. The 3 barrel Crosman SSP-250 has the .177, .22, and .20 caliber barrels and shot from the factory a 1" group at 15 yards. It and the Crosman 2240 have lots of mods available on the net. Loaded up on 3 new Old Leatherman tools and a couple of knives while there also. Bought the kids a like new Rossi .410 single shot to hunt with. Great rainy weekend.
  24. Happy Birthday and many more Phil.
  25. I think more people should crowd the cities and leave the outdoors to the loners. The more you promote the wild, the less it becomes.
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