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BadKarma last won the day on April 7 2024

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About BadKarma

  • Birthday 12/29/1962

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  • Location
    Taneyville, MO
  • Interests
    Warm water flyfishing and tying. Carp, 'gills and smallies.

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  1. Finally had a chance to go to Crane Creek. Looking to check off a bucket list item. Went to the 2nd crossing above the city park. Walked down about 25 yards to a nice size pool. Sat and watched and saw they were sipping off the surface. I brought my 9' tenkara rod and tried a few drys. Finally attracted some attention with a size 14 brown Elkhair Caddis. In 25 mins. I caught 2!!!! Biggest was about 10 inches. With my health issues, I was extremely happy 😊.
  2. Seeing as I'm a fly guy, wading is my thing. I tried a yak but never could keep my line from tangling on something. I guess I'm lucky in the fact I have my brother pick me up at the walk out and drop me off at the walk in. Then I can take my time and play all I want. I fish mostly water I grew up on and know completely. I'm trying to talk my brother into a canoe, but so far no luck. I'm getting a little long in the tooth and have a few health issues and am thinking someone to fish with would be a benefit.
  3. I now have 5 in my arsenal!!! Old beeman R2 .22 that I rebuilt, a Benjamin Titan .22, a Benjamin Discovery PCP in .177, a Chinese QB 46U underlever in .177 that I just love and a Crosman 2240 pistol in .22. These things reproduce with no warning at all! The 46U is awesome on starlings and grackles. Anchors them with authority out to 30 yards. the Disco and the Titan get the treerat duty when in season.
  4. I've been heavily getting into shooting my Airguns the last couple years. And with the run on rimfire ammo now I'm so glad I have been. Last year I took a few treerats with them and am now "culling" MDC recommended invasive species also and am having a blast. Anyone else walking this path also?
  5. Roger that, thanks.
  6. Thread resurrection day!!!!!! Hey Phil, any chance of maybe doing this again?
  7. Much like fishinwrench, I was 6 years old and my parents let me stay a summer at my grandma and grandpas. grandpa was a huge Flyfisherman and Bass was his passion. I begged to tag along and he noticed that I didn't run around and play, but would watch him intently all day. I was fascinated with how he casted that tiny fly. By the end of that summer he had me fishing right along side him and I begged my parents for a flyrod for Xmas. dad always said I was worthless ever since.
  8. Yeah, I grew up living on Swan Creek in Taney County. My Pop had me on the water in an aluminum canoe when I was 12. Back then Swan had a big rep as a fine Class 2-3 when water was good. A few years ago the local outfitters stopped putting canoes on Swan because so many people were walking away from it as way more than they wanted. This was what I grew up with, so my belief was all canoing was like this. So you can imagine my disappointment of my first time down the Buffalo, nice lazy float, but hardly any excitement. That was many years ago and now I can appreciate a nice quiet float, but now I'm looking for a bit more. Thanks guys for your help, insight and suggestions. Looking for some rain and a bump in my heart rate. Will keep y'all informed.
  9. Great link bobber!!!!! Bookmarked.
  10. I keep checkin the weather and it always says the same thing: Sunny!!!!1 AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
  11. I have that book, none of the waterways we've mentioned are in it. Also, only 5 or 6 waterways in Missouri are even mentioned. It would seem that in his eyes, the Ozarks are all located in Arkansas.
  12. Yep, Bull Creek. I also know Flat Creek by Highlandville, can get a sweet run going.
  13. In the spring, Swan and Beaver, in Taney County, can get pretty fast. Where else here close to Branson can get Class II-III?
  14. My Dad was born and raised here in Taney County as was I, and we always cleaned and ate what we caught, including Gar and the Carps. I can remember Dad cleaning a Gar that was long enough to hang over the sides of the tailgate of the truck!!!!!
  15. Did you remember to take the ski mask off when you drove away with that in the truck? What a steal. SWEET pack bro.
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