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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. I find it strange that guys put bass back even if they aren’t bass fishermen but keep other species to eat. I keep an occasional spot on Stockton because I like the taste of 12-14 inchers. I don’t ever keep a smallmouth because of their slow growth rate. I never keep a largemouth because of the way they smell.
  2. Back at you. We cooked the turkey yesterday. Our clan wants 6 boy curry instead of stuffed bird.
  3. Fertilizer makes things more fertile. Thousands of septic tanks.
  4. She may hide your cane then you will sol.
  5. You definitely are the Cape Fair jerk bait master. Good trip man. I don’t even remember what year I caught my last jerk bait fish.
  6. I was at State Park when the father was found. We were up in the campground when the water patrolman brought in the body.
  7. The ones I have been finding are deeper than 25’.
  8. He is serious enough to have meds.
  9. It will be tough for the 11. He’s ADHD. It will be interesting for him to be still enough without being in a blind.
  10. We have 3 kids waiting to go hunting, 11, 7, and 6. The 7 year old was in a tree stand with her dad. She was grunting and brought a nice 8 pt right up to the stand. She is ready to shoot one for herself now. She is practicing with a Daisy bb gun getting ready for the progression to 22 then 243 or 257 Roberts.
  11. I was just wondering. Our terrain is so hilly and rough that we always built permanent ones when we had the big farm. We haven’t built any since we only have the one farm left but we have been considering one.
  12. Do you mind sharing the cost of the project?
  13. I’ve caught them as deep as 72’ on Pomme. I won’t live long enough to get a 1/16 that deep nor do I have the patience for that.
  14. It definitely is clearer than Stockton and Pomme de Terre but I rarely fish shallower than 25’ and for me the clearer and sunnier the better. I make a bait called a stinger which is a lot like the Bobby Garland baby shad. For vertical fishing I use it on 1/4, 3/8 and 1/2 oz heads that I pour on #4 hooks.
  15. And here I thought crappie fishing was my topic.
  16. They are Red Head from Bass Pro.
  17. It seems that is happening at Mutton Creek on Stockton also.
  18. I have some “hunting boots” for cold weather but here is my warmest driest pair.
  19. Dutch

    Not Thinking

    So its DHS making the threats. Call the FBI and report them.
  20. Dutch

    Not Thinking

    That’s third degree assault. Call your sheriff and press charges.
  21. Dutch

    Not Thinking

    My granddaughter dressed and boned out the 11 pt buck that she shot down on the farm this morning. She didn’t want any help, just a few pointers.
  22. For those of you who have one of the live view transducers on your boat and have a mount not on the trolling motor, what mount are you using? I am wanting to get one to use on a Humminbird Mega Live.
  23. Is this that Bingo that you mentioned a while back?
  24. I figured it would take longer than that.
  25. There is a lot of difference in the groceries they get to eat. Threadfin shad can’t live there. Gizzards are the staple.
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