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To the Corps of Engineers docks are without a doubt the biggest pain in the posterior that they have to deal with, bar none.  That's why to prevent lots of the fussing, they have now stated that there is no constant power pool and Table Rock can fluctuate as they see fit.  This was by and large the fault of every Tom, Dick and Harry that owns a dock complaining about fluctuating level.  Table Rock Lake is not nor is any Corps of Engineers lake concerned with docks, and they should not be, and yes, I am a dock owner.

Dock owners are pretty much like inmates trying to rule the jail house.  Give them the slightest inch and they want a mile.  Yes lets make a 3 mile cove no wake and off limits to wake boats so they can pound the main river channel to pieces.  Cannot do that.  Lets put out a no wake bouy near the center of the cove and not directly in front of our dock and see if that helps.  OOPS then the wake boats don't know what side to run on and the dock owners are mad again.

Lets leave all our stuff on the dock or in the boat and then when someone steals it lets fuss to high heaven complaining about how bad things have become.

Just imagine if there were no docks on the Rock what would we have to complain about.   All pristine landscape wildlife along the shoreline no lawn chairs, trash cans, or dock sheds floating in the water after a wind storm.  No theft from boat docks, no letting the dock out and pulling it in, and no huge wakes destroying it.

Yes, again I am a dock owner.  It gets broke, I fix it or pay to have it done.  simple as that.  It is a not my given right to own one, I am able to chose to do so, with the risk that it may be damaged.  And believe you me it has been.

Not jumping on the OP, but complaining about docks on a Corp lake is just going to do no good.  Complain to much and you will see who the Corps thinks the most of, us or the wake boats.  Believe me you will not like the final judgement if your a dock owner.

Good Luck






Browning Collector.  What were your intentions of telling these people fishing 18-20 ft from your dock. ???? If you were going to tell them not to fish that close to your dock. they probably would have would not paid any attention to you. You see you do not own the lake just like up here at LOZ. You cannot prevent anyone from being that close to your dock. It does not bother me a bit if people fish my dock all they want. 99% of them do not fish it right or too fast. My dock has a local reputation as a crappie hole. They surely will not catch many crappie being there at the wrong time. sitting on top of the areas they should be casting too. So I really see no reason for bothering anyone even if I could. 

As far as docks being damaged You need to come up to LOZ and see what we do up here. I have a 30x30 dock that is close to 50 years old. It is as solid as a rock. It is all in the bracing it up. I live on  a point in the Gravois between two very popular watering holes.  Just brace the dock upper and lower and hang on.  



Browning Collector.  What were your intentions of telling these people fishing 18-20 ft from your dock. ???? If you were going to tell them not to fish that close to your dock. they probably would have would not paid any attention to you. You see you do not own the lake just like up here at LOZ. You cannot prevent anyone from being that close to your dock. It does not bother me a bit if people fish my dock all they want. 99% of them do not fish it right or too fast. My dock has a local reputation as a crappie hole. They surely will not catch many crappie being there at the wrong time. sitting on top of the areas they should be casting too. So I really see no reason for bothering anyone even if I could. 

As far as docks being damaged You need to come up to LOZ and see what we do up here. I have a 30x30 dock that is close to 50 years old. It is as solid as a rock. It is all in the bracing it up. I live on  a point in the Gravois between two very popular watering holes.  Just brace the dock upper and lower and hang on.  


I don't think he had a problem with someone fishing near his dock, he had a problem with someone firing up their big motor and planing up within the "No Wake Zone", almost hitting his dock (and the buoy), and throwing another big wake on his already broken dock.

-- Jim

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. -- Doug Larson


I'd like to say a big "Thank You!" to Tablerock dock owners in general because I've trespassed under dock roofs on occasion when I get caught by a thunderstorm.  I know I've got no right to do that, but I've never had a dock owner yet object to my pulling into an empty stall for awhile to take shelter from lightning.  I'm not talking about just getting wet, I've got rain suits for that - but when lightning's nearly knocking gravel into the boat and I can't get back to my truck, well ..... you know what that's like.

I've talked with several dock owners while taking shelter, even some marina operators - and they've all been real nice about it.  I think it's obvious to them that I respect their property, as I'd never get out onto their dock, touch anything that's not mine, disregard a "no wake" buoy, or anything like that.  If I ever meet a dock owner in the future who runs me off, I'll just thank him and leave because he's got a perfect right to do that.  I sure appreciate those who have been good to me, though - and I'd never do anything careless to damage anyone's dock.


Very good point.  There have been numerous times I could have beat a storm back to the ramp but didn't bother because I can always find an empty slip to hide in.  

Never EVER had anyone throw a fit about that, and have even had beer, soda, snacks brought out to me.  


Table rock boat traffic is manageable in a small boat.  Just have to be careful.  I have a 17' tin can and was able to fish kimberling no problem.   How come Stockton has no docks, tr has lots, loz has em avery 100ft?  How do those rules get set?  There are literally no docks on stockton accept like marinas and such.  Or is it just a population thing?


As I understand it, there is a shoreline management plan for every Corps lake. Stockton has docks, just not as many as other lakes. Probably the population, as you suggested.

LOZ is not a Corps lake. It is owned by the Amerens power company, so it's a totally different animal.


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