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  • 7 months later...

Just saw this...beef tongue is one of my absolute favorite meats.  Mary's family butchers their own beef, and fortunately for me, none of them like the tongue, so I get them all, usually about 7 or 8 tongues each year.  Mary won't eat it either, so when she fixes it for me, it's all mine, and I get three or four meals from one tongue.  It only gets better with re-heating.

We did pork tongues one time since they also butcher their own pork some years.  It wasn't quite as good as beef tongue, but was still pretty good.  Usually, though, the pork tongues go into the head cheese kettles.


Does not look great when you cook it but I like it a lot. Can get it raw at a Mexican market near the office, or cooked at their restaurant next door. Taqueria Durango, not far from the STL airport on Page between Lindberg and I-70.


This is a disgrace and I feel a certain kind of outrage, . . . . . thou I must look for it . . . .  

A tongue shall not be consumed no more-est thou than a tongue shall be silenced.  Even if thou consideration is as livestock , , ,  reasonable gentlemen,  and even rough cut men will not partake so willingly of such organ, right?  

Like the down flake of snow,  the seasoning salt doth fall upon this tender instrument of voice??

Speaking in tongues??  No, eating in tongues!!  

Poor taste among buds, as you consume THE taste buds??!!!!  

You care not a lick, while you consume the licker, and in your arrogant glee even swallow with liquor!!

I render you as savages, the whole lot of you!!


On 1/14/2018 at 6:54 PM, Hog Wally said:

Slaughtered 2 beef yesterday for a friend and since he didn't want the tongue I decided to hack it out of its face and cooked it today. Dang it was good.  Took it to a gathering and it all got ate.  it's been years since I've had one. Gonna make it a regular now 


Why does it look like it has a shell around it ?  

I'm sure it's probaby a good cut of meat but I don't think I want any.   Do you eat deer tongue too?  

7 hours ago, fishinwrench said:

Why does it look like it has a shell around it ?  

I'm sure it's probaby a good cut of meat but I don't think I want any.   Do you eat deer tongue too?  

It does have a thick skin that needs to be peeled off the meat inside. You don't want it tasting you while you're tasting it 😌.

The texture of the meat can be an issue to those that haven't eaten tongue. We like it though don't have access to get it often. If we shot more than one or two deer a season would certainly try deer tongue. Have a couple of recipes I would want to try. 


We like deer heart. Again in limited quantities.

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