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I have been caught in an undertow at a low water bridge I was trying to cross over in my yak a few years back.  It sucked as I couldn't catch my breath fast enough before the current pulled me back under. I honestly thought I was going to die after the third time getting pulled back under and then it just came to me to be calm and go to the bottom where I could push myself back up at a faster rate and through the current.  It worked, but had I been too drunk or didn't know how to swim I wouldn't be writing this today. It also helped that I knew the stream and how deep it was and all of that.

"you can always beat the keeper, but you can never beat the post"

There are only three things in life that are certain : death, taxes, and the wind blowing at Capps Creek!


I never thought about it til you brought it up and that is the internet answer, including the hockey and golf. Many whites never swim either, leaning to swim requires easy access to swimming water- in most of the USA  that means a pool, and only a small percentage of the population has access to pools and swimming lessons. Myself included, my learning to swim was accidental at age 16. In boot camp at least 30% of my company (way more whites than blacks, but probably percentage wise somewhat equal)  failed basic swim tests, most had never been in a pool, I passed the swim test-  it was my first time swimming in a pool. Probably the 6th or 7th time I had ever swam.

St. Louis lists 8 municipal pools and 2 affiliated, so 10 pools accessible to all 318000 residents, I bet that gets a little crowded? No because they limit admission? No, because the wealthy have their private or club pools?  I don't know nor really care. Swimming is in general an upper class pastime. In my county,  I know of no, zero,  public pools and the creek/river access is limited- with swimming discouraged, never in 68 years have I heard of swimming lessons available to the kids.  

i take it that that park is near enough to the City that it is accessible to the City residents? Perhaps one of a few places where lower income kids can have free access to water to learn to swim? In St Louis County are most of the poor/lower middle class whites?

The drownings are unfortunate, 14 in 14 years, but how many have used that water unsupervised in that 14 years that did not drown? In that 14 years how many in St Louis County died in traffic? I'm guessing there have been as many killed walking on the railroad in St Louis as have drowned in the Meramec .

I wonder if more Muslims,  Christians or Jews have drowned in the Meramec, is it religiously biased as well as   racist? Are the UP tracks racist too?

Go on, catch some carp. Eat a bass.

  • 3 weeks later...

Ok. How many of you guys have extra life jackets in your garage that you no longer use? I do. Could we as the OAF community build a wooden rack, stock it with PFD's and place it there with the cooperation of the local authorities? Can't make folks use them, but at least they would be there...

11 hours ago, mixermarkb said:

Ok. How many of you guys have extra life jackets in your garage that you no longer use? I do. Could we as the OAF community build a wooden rack, stock it with PFD's and place it there with the cooperation of the local authorities? Can't make folks use them, but at least they would be there...

St. Louis County beat ya to the punch.... they already have a wooden rack with plenty of Life Jackets..... people just go swim in the river there even when they can’t swim.



A nice attractive sign with pictures and descriptions of all the previous drownings might encourage caution?  Newspaper clips and obits, witness accounts, stuff to attract and hold interest.  And instill fear, the average American is too ignorant of fear, like the idiots walking out of walmart into the drive without even looking up from the text machine, they have the right of way so they have no fear of being run down.  Maybe set up a basic swim class there once or twice a month during the summer in a roped area; a little education on the hazards of water. Most people only know water from the tap and bath tub.

Some one who has never encountered currents and under tows probably doesn't even know such things exist. Until you have been pulled into one there is no way to comprehend the effect. It is a thing that you can know about and not know.

The life jacket rack, last week we were walking around the RR hatchery  and by the big spring hole/pool I noticed they have a throwable   life ring on a rope station, the thing is so old that the PVC cover is split in numerous places from the sun and the rope looks rotten. I guess it has been awhile since they had an accident.  Does the City inspect and maintain the life jacket rack?


This might get some attention. Maybe make people think twice or exercise some common sense.





9 hours ago, MOFishwater said:

This might get some attention. Maybe make people think twice or exercise some common sense.





I think people who can’t swim will still swim in the river there....once again the river is just as harmless there as it is anywhere and I will still wade there and cross the river there but, I can swim very well. I hope all the signs every 20 yards saying people die here and life jacket stands as well as the fake cemetery for all who have perished there keep as many people away from that racist water shed personally.

1 hour ago, Smalliebigs said:
11 hours ago, MOFishwater said:


I think people who can’t swim will still swim

Hu? 😄

  • 4 weeks later...

I learned to swim at a public swimming pool back in the 60's. The pool was Marquette Park and they gave free swimming lessons which was great because if it wasn't I wouldn't have been able to get them. I walked the six blocks almost every day during the summer. Great idea with the crosses until the next high water arrives and washes them away. 

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