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Ok my Sister keeps me up with what people are doing on our Dads side. I have never been one to use people I know like I have a Cousin with same name as mine if I do something good and it gets back to him he takes credit. Had a Girlfriend  was always bragging on the fact she was dating a U.S. Hillbilly.

What brought this up is for several years I've seen this person on T.V. with a very unusual last name but the same as my Mothers Maiden name.

Would it be appropriate to ask this person if we might be kin? Don't really matter but yes I'm curious.


4 hours ago, liphunter said:

Not sure.  But I'm not a good judge in these matters. I was almost 30 before someone let me no it was inappropriate to try to get a date at family reunions. :dignose: 

That is funny. I went to a Family Reunion, cousin sat on my lap said Mom is going to be gone tonight you want to come over. 😆

My wife says me and my Cousins are just too close.

Me and my Brother was setting in a Bar with his Girlfriend that had just drove in from California. Couple Cousins came in he takes off with them leaves his Girlfriend there. After that me and her had a good relationship.

1 Chronicles bunch of Linage. I remember once I preached about Nimrod without studying more on him. Found more out later and apologized to the congregation.

I have many ask if we are related and it never bothers me to find out. Funny one time knew a Guy on the Internet. We didn't know each other by our real name but I knew where he was from. I told him I was related to most in that area. Found out he was Married to my Niece. Funny telling him I use to change his wifes diapers. LOL



Had a young feller working for us one summer who took a couple days off to attend a family reunion, he cane back with a girl friend.  To be fair to him; she was extremely cute, and was a friend of his cousin and no relation, but we sure gave him heck.  As for famous people with same name who cares, ask them don't ask them whatever, would rather talk to someone I know and like that isn't famous or well known.  Pretty unlikely that someone you don't know and is famous is suddenly going to become a part of your life regardless if you are related or not.

9 minutes ago, MOPanfisher said:

As for famous people with same name who cares, ask them don't ask them whatever, would rather talk to someone I know and like that isn't famous or well known.  Pretty unlikely that someone you don't know and is famous is suddenly going to become a part of your life regardless if you are related or not.

Amen!    I hate weddings, funerals, and graduation ceremonies, so the fewer relatives I have hanging around, the better.  


Long time ago my Mom went to a nation wide family "reunion" (her grandmother's family) and a famous mother-daughter singing pair with that last name showed up.  Go back to the Revolutionary War days and almost every family in the colonies were related either by blood or marriage, many by both. All the old kings and queens of Europe were cousins, even into the 19th century.  If the name is highly unusual I'll bet that either you are related or that the TV person is using an assumed name.


The only time I was part of a family reunion, multiple generations from every dam where type thing.  I was a young teenager, and remember mom and dad frying crappie and taters and making cornbread for hours, it never seemed to stop.I cranked an old ice cream maker to make multiple batches.  I remember asking at one point who someone was, and dad saying, "hell I don't know who half these people are", mom was pretty sure that somehow word had gotten out that we had free fish and taters and several locals came by, which was OK at least we knew them.  It was pretty well understood there would be no more of those type reunions, and certainly not at our house.  Good thing was we cleaned out a lot of older fish fillets.


Got a what I call true friend works for MDC, stayed with me for two weeks. If he knows we are in the area together he will go out of his way to find me and say HI!

Use to be I could go anywhere in the U.S. and be welcome to stay but that was years ago. Now sure on Colorado and New York.


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