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I know I am not the only one who has thought this to himself. But I am going to step up and put it out there! lol Some of you sticks will use certain structure terms like channel swing and transition bank.  Some of it is self explanatory. Some of it, not quite sure. So my question is. Is anyone familiar with a resource for explaining structure and fishing terms. I mean I get a few like, fish, water, boat, and lunch, but not all... :huh1:TIA 

Luck is where preparation meets opportunity...... Or you could just flip a coin???B)


As an older guy that has spent more time on creek banks than on social media, I have trouble with a lot of the current names and expressions describing old techniques, so I understand needing an interpreter or translator. A quick search of the 'net turns up some resources that I have used to find out wth was being said;

There will still be some terms that seem to be used only locally or by individuals. Often the catch phrases and slang terms and obscure terms are used just to make something simple seem special.



Buck Perry defined structure fishing and its' terminology in his old books, "Lunkers Love Nightcrawlers",  "Spoonplugging", and excerpts from those books that were published as articles in old "Fishing Facts" mags. You can find copies on eBay occasionally, or someone may have posted excerpts online. Probably the most valuable fishing information I ever read.

I can't dance like I used to.


Channel Swing:. A stretch of bank where the old creek/river channel SWINGS in real close to it.

Transition Bank: the area along a bank where the composition changes (rock to gravel, or mud to rock, or where vegetation begins or ends).   Or it can be where a steep bank begins to taper off into a more gently sloping bank.    Basically anywhere that things change.  

I hate "points", specifically MAIN LAKE points.  I hate dropoffs too. My favorite form of "structure" is a FLAT: an area where if it was dry you could turn a car around without an elevation change.    Fish on a flat are predictable/dependable.

Fish that are in an area where moving 20ft. means they are either making a drastic depth change or going off to suspend..... are flakey as hell.     

When it comes to catching fish CONSISTENTLY and RELIABLY....Flats are where it's at.   And I'd like to dig up Buck Perry and kick him in the crotch for all the time I wasted carefully piddling along contour lines, creek channel dropoffs, and all that BS.

Ya know why fish love hanging out under docks?   Because they are FLAT!


If you want to get really confusing, add cover into the mix.


Heck I read about Ned Rigs for months thinking, nah I don't need any new fangles gizmos.  Finally looked it up, crap same stuff I have used for years, didnt know it "cool" name.  I will usually Google search for stuff I don't know, but sometimes you get a whole list of items that are not even close.


Some channel swings on Lake of the Ozarks (red arrows)

Screen Shot 2020-02-25 at 4.58.46 PM.png

-- Jim

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. -- Doug Larson


Thanks to you all for your input. Really some good info in there. Appreciate it. Mike

Luck is where preparation meets opportunity...... Or you could just flip a coin???B)

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