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I used to overdose on antibiotics from Doctors who would prescribe them as a shotgun remedy. I’m much more careful now and only take them for a known bacterial infection. 

"Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor


Stopping antibiotics  early does not create a better situation, leaving more of the bad infection behind instead of killing the rest of it out doe way more harm than good.  As already pointed out anto biotic work on bacterial infections not viral ones.  Anti biotic do stay in the system for a while depending dig on what type they are, but the level drops quickly, leaving the bacteria that are only slightly resistant alive to become more resistant.  Think of it this way,it would be similar to only partially cleaning out a carburetor leaving behind deposits to that would allow the crud to begin to buold up again quickly, as opposed to fully cleaning it out and having a clean start.  Old meds can indeed cause a reaction in some folks but you are talking normally years old meds.  Anti biotic are not all the same, some don't work.against certain things, some are very powerful and only used for severe infections, some are very broad spectrum and often prescribed as a catchall, but that happens less and less anymore.  

7 minutes ago, Mitch f said:

I used to overdose on antibiotics from Doctors who would prescribe them as a shotgun remedy. I’m much more careful now and only take them for a known bacterial infection. 

Which are quite rare actually in relation to the common cold.  I remember people asking for antibiotics for a cold...Crazy!


One of the treatments for Lyme disease was daily anti biotic for 90 days at a shot.  Pretty hard to overdose on them, but they will mess with your system.  And they were definitely over prescribed for many years.  I would be a terrible doctor, if a patient was demanding some sort of treatment for something that it wouldn't affect I would prescribe orange tic tacs, sure fixed a lot of "sickess" in my kids, took them years to figure it out.


There’s a much greater awareness regarding the proper use of antibiotics these days. Any good doctor will be careful in prescribing them and instruct you to take them all for the reasons mentioned above. 

Resistant strains are a growing concern. For example, staph infections used to be fairly routine and treatable, but the newer mycelium-resistant strains (MRSA) are a bugger to control and can be fatal. Same is happening with pneumonia and others infections. It’s a big deal. There are more and more resistant bacteria out there that our best antibiotics can’t control, and the pipeline of new drugs isn’t keeping up. 

I think the overuse of antibiotics in livestock production needs to be addressed. We’re setting ourselves up for a major problem.  



When I was very young our family doctor would prescribe either penicillin or ampacillin for anything you came in there for. Even a ear ache.  Actually he'd usually give you a shot of it in the office THEN prescribe 2 weeks worth of it in pill form.     After my mom finished all of her med schooling there was no more going to the doctor unless we broke a bone or needed stitches.  

When I grew up and had a kid of my own everything was diagnosed as an "upper respiratory infection".   It's like that's all they knew how to say at the doctor's office.  I eventually started seeing the pattern and just quit taking her to the doctor unless she needed shots for school.    It has all worked out fine.  I just don't believe that people need doctors and medicine near as much as they think they do.


Since everyone on here is playing medical professional lately.....

I got kissed by a bungee cord over 2 months ago and put a big divot in my upper lip, and it refuses to completely heal.  Everytime it starts to smooth over I either take a bite of a sandwich and crack it, or I irritate it shaving, or I shave and then my whiskers start poking through it as they grow.    Plus I can't stop picking at it.  

How do you deal with that?  What would a doctor say? IMG_20200301_114711497.jpg


A and D Ointment, and maybe a shot of LA 400 just because.  But since that isn't for humans maybe a shot of Jagermeister will do the trick.  The A & D will keep it soft and help it heal, the Jagermeister is just to keep you calm.

1 hour ago, fishinwrench said:

Since everyone on here is playing medical professional lately.....

I got kissed by a bungee cord over 2 months ago and put a big divot in my upper lip, and it refuses to completely heal.  Everytime it starts to smooth over I either take a bite of a sandwich and crack it, or I irritate it shaving, or I shave and then my whiskers start poking through it as they grow.    Plus I can't stop picking at it.  

How do you deal with that?  What would a doctor say? IMG_20200301_114711497.jpg


   Might help and I hope you now I jest. I couldn't pass this one up to poke at you 🤣

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Lefty Kreh

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