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On 5/27/2021 at 10:36 AM, FishnDave said:


Longtime fan of the Blues Brothers. :) 

We've got both kinds of Music, Country and Western. 

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


Love the tailraces. Never know what you'll catch. That one looks like really good access.

I can't dance like I used to.


Today was a day to meet the newest member of the Folly clan. Spent most of the day visiting the grandkids. Got back to the hotel and got a couple of rods and fished the pond next to the hotel. Was trying for black bullheads again to fill the bullhead group of species. No luck on the bullheads, but a few bluegill, a crappie, and a bass were caught on the worms. We did a way back machine and had Livie tie on a black striped small Hula Popper.


Was one of my favorite go to baits for largemouth bass when I was a kid and teen. Caught a bunch on that old lure. I gave Livie a quick tutorial about topwater fishing with that lure. The main emphasis was to feel the tug before setting the hook. Second cast she had a small bass blow up on the bait and she got it to hand 😁


She also caught a crappie on the Hula popper before we had to head to the room. 

2 hours ago, Terrierman said:

So.  Are you coming for breakfast?

Not yet. We are currently in KS.

3 hours ago, bfishn said:

Love the tailraces. Never know what you'll catch. That one looks like really good access.

Actually very easy access and easy to fish. Lots of variety also is a hugh plus for our family 😉.


So we're in Kansas and it has been tough fishing, weather has been a challenge as well as tightmouthed fish. Did catch some unexpected catches and actually got my son to catch his first fish in about 5 to 6 years. Not a favorite pastime of his, but he seemed to have some fun.

First fishing was at the Republican River spillway below Milford Lake. I had read a report about guys catching blue suckers at the spillway. It was a longshot and we did not catch any. Lost a few rigs in the rocks. Livie landed the only fish a couple of big bluegills.

Livie Bluegill - Republican Rvr Spllwy - 30May21.jpg

In pursuit of a black bullhead we fished the Farnum creek arm of Milford lake. Very very few bites. A few more lost rigs, but Livie caught her first green sunfish of the year on a mercy drop after breaking off her sinker. Again Nothing for me at this spot.

Livie Green Sunfish (#60) - Milford Lake - 30May21.jpg

We went to visit my son and his family for a bit. The real reason for the trip!

Asher 30May21.jpg

Hanging out with the grandson watching Moana for the second or third time 🙄!

Grandpa and Asher 30May21.jpg

After dinner we went to Moon Lake which is on base. It is an urban trout lake and I had caught my first golden rainbow trout from this lake back in 2019. Livie was teaching my son on how to fish again. We had on trout magnet jigs with a bit of red worm and a float. Pretty simple rig. My son missed a few or a lot of bites but was able to hook and land his first fish, a bluegill. 

Sean Bluegill - Moon Lake 30May21.jpg

I had seen some minnows and was able to catch the first western mosquitofish of the year.

Western Mosquitofish (#64) - Moon Lake - 30May21.jpg

Livie set the stage after catching a few green sunfish and especially when she hooked and landed a holdover rainbow trout!

Livie Rainbow Trout (#61) - Moon Lake - 30May21.jpg

I tried but could not actually get a green sunfish on the hook and landed - go figure! Sean had seen a larger fish under the bridge and he set his sights on catching it. Eventually he did get it to bite and he landed another rainbow trout!

Sean Rainbow Trout - Moon Lake - 30May21.jpg

I also landed one after getting great inctructions from my son on how to entice another trout and It worked! Unfortunately the photos are on his phone and he is now heading back to Germany. 

IN a small unnamed tributary of the Republican river, I finally caught my first green sunfish of the year. Took until May 31st to catch one 🙄! Took much longer than @FishnDave.

Green Sunfish (#6 ) - Trib - 31May21.jpg

Next night back at Moon Lake. Started at the spillway. Livie started catching bluegill and green sunfish right away. I caught one that looked to have some mixed heritage with a little bluegill.

Green sunfish hybrid - Moon Lake - 31May21.jpg

Sean caught a couple of sunfish as well.

Sean Green Sunfish - Moon Lake spllwy - 31May21.jpg

Went up to the lake and fished in a drizzle that got heavier with time. I caught a LMB on a fluke. Livie fished the fluke the night before and lost two bass. So she wanted redemption and went off to get one herself by fishing the fluke along the bank. Didn't take long to hooke up with a small LMB. Would be the last fish due to the drizzle becoming rain.

Livie LMB - Moon Lake - 31May21.jpg



Last day in Kansas. Son is on his way to Germany. Stopped in to see the grandkids again.

Grandma and Asher 01Jun21.jpg

Grandpa and Asher 01Jun21.jpg

Hopefull to get his sister fishing soon and him out as well when the time comes.

Stopped at a crossing of Deep Creek on the way back to Missouri. We had caught some fish there last year. Hoping for Johnny darters on that trip. Didn't see any darters on that trip but did see some madtoms. Today did not see many fish, but was able to land some common shiners as well as we each caught breeding males.

Common Shiner -  Deep Creek - 01Jun21.jpg

Common Shiner - Male (#66) - Deep Creek - 01Jun21.jpg

closeup of Livie's breeding male.

Livie Common Shiner CP - Male - Deep Creek - 01Jun21.jpg

Didn't have much time and looked for some different species. I saw dome darters that may have been Johnny darters or females of some other species. Tied on the the #26 Tanago hook. I got the bait in front of one darter that looked more like the orangethroat darters around Columbia MO. These are the Plateau Orangethroat subspecies. A first ever catch for this species. 

Plateau Darter #68) - Deep crk - 01Jun21.jpg

Livie was able to get one as well 😁. (much nicer photo)

Livie Plateau Darter (#63) - Deep crk - 01Jun21.jpg

I also caught a small creek chub while she was getting photos of the darter. only spent 25 mins fishing and caught a few new yearly species and a lifer for each of us 👍.

Creek Chub (#68) - Male - Deep Creek - 01Jun21.jpg

Caught five new fish for the year including one lifer. No black bullheads. Now heading to Columbia.


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