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3 hours ago, Brian K. Shaffer said:

The horn is for the safety of the people and should be a non-negotiable requirement.



If the safety of the people is to be the primary focus then the Best Move would be to completely gate the place off. 

Common sense, and a certain amount of awareness should be a non-negotiable requirement. 👍

18 minutes ago, fishinwrench said:

If the safety of the people is to be the primary focus then the Best Move would be to completely gate the place off. 

Common sense, and a certain amount of awareness should be a non-negotiable requirement. 👍

Dang it I hate to agree with FW  but i kind of do.  Signs give you a notice of what can happen, you can even check generation schedule in a matter of a minute or so, granted that is only what is planned not what actually happens.  But there is no excuse for no horn at all, it used to be rising quickly and had better be headed to the bank when you noticed the water rising, and I was young and nimble then.

1 hour ago, MOPanfisher said:
1 hour ago, fishinwrench said:


Dang it I hate to agree with FW


Am I really "that guy"?   😳

What terribly wrong or improper things have given me that classification?   


We have the same issue here on the Bull Shoals tailwater. I have been wading below the dam and have seen water come up with no horn and horn blows and no water. 

Seems to be a pretty simple solution... when the word comes to turn on a generator, push the horn button. It's not rocket science.


1 hour ago, Flysmallie said:

We should start a Wikipedia page for Wrench. 

Oh Lord no, that'd just swell his head, then he'd never go away.  😔

1 hour ago, netboy said:

when the word comes to turn on a generator, push the horn button

They should be wired in series so that the gate can't open until the horn has power; or run off the same switch with a short delay between horn and gate. But I think the generators are remote controlled, I know years ago  the USACE guy at Beaver told me that he had no idea when the guy in Tulsa was going to generate off schedule. So, if the remote control for that dam is in Little Rock or St Louis or ? the guy with the remote has no way to hear whether the horn sounds or not.  From a grid management view it would be ideal for the generation to come on automatically when the grid load reaches a predetermined situation of use and distribution.

The horn could be defective and the circuitry could showing a horn blow at wherever the remote is, and it is the Federal Government so no matter who you talk to will just pass the info on to someone who will pass it on to someone in DC who will eventually take it under advisement.

50 or more dead anglers and national news coverage might get the Administration's attention, less than that is just an accident and will be the anglers' fault for being there.

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