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She needs a little work on her form.  

1 finger above the nock, 2 below.

Relax the left hand allowing the elbow to rotate into the comfort zone. 

The bow looks a bit out of tune. Is anyone knowledgeable from Genesis there, to instruct on how to set the bows up properly?   

4" fletching would be better too.  Accuracy is more important than speed/trajectory. 

8 hours ago, fishinwrench said:

She needs a little work on her form.  

1 finger above the nock, 2 below.

Relax the left hand allowing the elbow to rotate into the comfort zone. 

The bow looks a bit out of tune. Is anyone knowledgeable from Genesis there, to instruct on how to set the bows up properly?   

4" fletching would be better too.  Accuracy is more important than speed/trajectory. 

                    What's wrong with you? When was the last time you competed in the sport? Things are always changing in every sport. Equipment especially. Three fingers under are and will always be in the game. Do you see any sights on that bow? She is instinctive shooting. the closer her eyes are to arrow the better. I would say she is gap shooting.   

"We have met the enemy and it is us",


   If you compete with your fellow anglers, you become their competitor, If you help them you become their friend"

Lefty Kreh

    " Never display your knowledge, you only share it"

Lefty Kreh

         "Eat more bass and there will be more room for walleye to grow!"


    " One thing in life is for sure. If you are careful you can straddle the barbed wire fence but make one mistake and you will be hurting"


  P.S. "May your fences be short or hope you have long legs"



She is just going by what her Coach is telling her and the arrows were furnished by the state.

I will agree She needs more commentment and serious time. 

I taught Instinctive shooting years ago before Compounds.


8 hours ago, BilletHead said:

                    What's wrong with you? When was the last time you competed in the sport? Things are always changing in every sport. Equipment especially. Three fingers under are and will always be in the game. Do you see any sights on that bow? She is instinctive shooting. the closer her eyes are to arrow the better. I would say she is gap shooting.   

Nothing is WRONG with me. I was being helpful.....or trying to be. 

Without a finger above the nock, how can you insure against the arrow nock creeping up the string?  And I said nothing about her anchor point. 

And NO SHE ISN'T "instinctive shooting".  A photographer would have only a millisecond to capture THAT shot if she was.    She is clearly anchored.   And the bow is clearly not square.   If anyone is speaking without knowing what they are talking about......it might be ol' Billethead. 😉 

She's "GAP SHOOTING" alright 😅 I was offering tips to lessen that gap !   

It's been awhile since I competed, and I don't even own any archery equipment anymore, the tornado ate it all.....but if you'd like to make it worthwhile I will accept a challenge.   I had a whole wall full of trophy's before the twister, both indoor and outdoor 3D.     I'm sure I've mentioned that....You must have thought I was blowing smoke. 🙄

5 hours ago, Maverickpro201 said:

Do not mind wrench. It was past his bedtime when he posted.🤪

I have no bedtime. I'm a big boy now.  😉

8 hours ago, BilletHead said:

Things are always changing in every sport

The one thing that I'm pretty sure hasn't changed in Archery is the goal of ..... Hitting the bullseye repeatedly.

2 hours ago, Flysmallie said:

They all have to use the same bow, same arrow, no sights. She doesn't look to bad but she does need to work on her form. But maybe she doesn't want to. Some times you just need to relax and let them just enjoy it. 

Oh I see.  I thought it was a competition, and that she actually TRAVELLED to participate.   

Didn't realize it was just backyard arrow launching for enjoyment. Nevermind then 🙄 

They should bring back Jarts !



One post condemns the pussification of America......and then we have THIS.   You're all over the place, bro. 😅 

"maybe she doesn't WANT to"......Awe🤗

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