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Travis Swift
Travis Swift

Just caught my biggest ever!

I just caught my biggest trout ever. Caught her in the restricted area on 2 pound test and a jig I pour and tie myself.  25 inches long.  10lbs 12oz.  Went under the boat 3 times and I had to stick my rod in the water almost to the reel all 3 times. We missed her with the net twice.  Soon as we got her in the net the jig popped out.  I have been coming to taneycomo several times a year for over 30 years to catch a fish like this. I wanted to take her to Lilleys but we simply didn't want to risk killing the fish. We were very careful with the fish care and we have under water go pro video of her swimming off which we are very proud of. 



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Awesome fish! I'm surprised it weighed that much. This is a 27 incher I caught back in 2005 and it weighed 10 even. It was a big gut eater so it was thick too. The number of big bows caught in the past few weeks is incredible! Hopefully it continues for a few more weeks till I get down there!


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Glad you released her up there... I wouldn't transport a big fish right now.  O2 is too low.  Good job on the release.

You said you saw one yesterday... was that the same one you think?

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13 minutes ago, Seth said:

Awesome fish! I'm surprised it weighed that much. This is a 27 incher I caught back in 2005 and it weighed 10 even. It was a big gut eater so it was thick too. The number of big bows caught in the past few weeks is incredible! Hopefully it continues for a few more weeks till I get down there!


These are really good scales I have so I'm pretty confident in them.  Honestly my board goes 24 inches and she was over that by quite a bit. She may well had been 26 plus but I felt like 25 was fair and the fish care was my most important thing at the time. I wanted her alive terribly bad. Phil i think I saw this fish yesterday while fly fishing but the brown I told you about was bigger than this fish for sure.  The fish was thick as could be all the way to the tail. Picture doesn't show that but again I was hell bent on keeping her alive if at all possible. 

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2 hours ago, Travis Swift said:

These are really good scales I have so I'm pretty confident in them.  Honestly my board goes 24 inches and she was over that by quite a bit. She may well had been 26 plus but I felt like 25 was fair and the fish care was my most important thing at the time. I wanted her alive terribly bad. Phil i think I saw this fish yesterday while fly fishing but the brown I told you about was bigger than this fish for sure.  The fish was thick as could be all the way to the tail. Picture doesn't show that but again I was hell bent on keeping her alive if at all possible. 

It doesn't matter, it's a giant regardless! Congrats again and cudos on being so concerned with getting her back in the water alive. :goodjob:

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