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Fishing Buddy
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About Billfo

  • Birthday 03/29/1957

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  • Location
    Holiday Island , Arkansas
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Mottled Sculpin

Mottled Sculpin (31/89)



  1. Thanks for the suggestions.
  2. Looking for a store that carries "ON THE SHELF" 100% Full synthetic 2 stroke injection oil. Most places carry the synthetic blend or can order the full synthetic. Want some now.. Thanks for the help. Bill
  3. Glad people like what I do with my retirement. This & other canvas prints are available @ Holiday Island Marina. They are very inexpensive.
  4. Fishing was slow this morning...
  5. NOT photoshop...
  6. Billfo


    Are there Crappie around Holiday Island in the fall ? Black or White..(a friend wants me to take him one day this fall) Thanks.Bill
  7. Congrats .. & nice color on the fish ...
  8. John, The MinnKota & I are in Holiday Island.

    1. JohnP


      Ok.  I'll get back to if I can make a trip.  Thanks for the reply.

  9. New to the area, Looking for a place to shoot handguns near Holiday Island. Thanks for any location suggestions.
  10. Just seen this topic.. I was out that day there were about 9 Kayaks around the Beaver bridge. I thought it was pretty cool. I sat & watched them for a while and decided I would leave & fish elsewhere. Spoke to a couple of guys & they were just fine, but ONE guy turned sideways in my path under the bridge & refused to move when I wanted to leave the area & pass under the bridge. I chock it up to him having a bad day. I am flexible and am learning to let things slide. However, I can see someone else hammering the throttle & teaching that guy some manners... Every situation is different, ever changing variables, boats, kayaks, people, moods... it is a big lake. Is it really worth it- from either point of view ? Picking ones battles.
  11. Yup, the Ned is pretty versatile ... Will try.. Thanks
  12. Hypothetically speaking.. IF you were on Table Rock Lake in the fall & wanted to catch Walleye with an artificial bait, what would you use ?
  13. Same thing around Holiday Island closer twds the state line. Not big fish, but sure a lot of fun. Seen them ambushing huge dark schools of bait fish.
  14. Our middle boy caught this one for his GF's dinner. We also had released 3 shorter ones.
  15. Typical scenic lookout pic.
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