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lee G.

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by lee G.

  1. They taste kinda like a cross between a Bald eagle and a Blue Heron .
  2. Why math is important! That really is 7/16 minus 10 cents 😉
  3. You sure have the settings on that camera dialed in, color and exposure really look great. Or is it all the 7500 ?
  4. What kinda camera is that!
  5. Daughter saw the same two in Jeff city, one low , one higher.
  6. The B2 flew right over my house at about 4:18 pm, and turned toward Fort Wood. Surprising how quiet is was
  7. My first good guitar was a Mosrite, that dates me doesnt it!
  8. Whats the pay scale like in STL for welders? My son just came off the solar telescope job on Maui.
  9. I had a hard gripe puzzle fork on my JD mower, finally had to buy a new mower, hope thats not the case here!
  10. I'm beginning to wonder if those are really carp, or are they just blow up balloons ?
  11. Yeah, I dont see how standing up would have put more lube in the compression chamber.
  12. Spring and piston over lubed?
  13. Add the weeds, it really is a lot.
  14. My cousin is married to a drywall contractor. They installed a water bed on the first floor by taking it up to the second floor and filling it full of water.
  15. lee G.

    Great Anthem Fergie!

    congrieve rocket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjsDxe1jsIc
  16. I guess a garden hose would work, I never thought of that before.
  17. Yeah. I takes no. 4 shot to bring one down.
  18. OK, Ill try that, I tryed squirting mine in the face with a water pistol, but she just barked more, and when i tryed to go to bed that nite, she started snarling and wouldnt let me in the bedroom for two days, I had to sleep on the couch. She hasn't retrieved anything since then either. I though about getting a young blond one to work on, but two in the house might cause more snarling, so I havent yet.
  19. How do you teach them not to bark, BH?
  20. Help me think this thru, Wrench. Do you get 3 recoil impulses on a springer? One with the spring and piston goes forward, another when the piston reaches the limit of forward travel, and one when the piston rebounds and compresses the spring a certain amount? Three would be tough on a scope mount with the sudden changes of direction.
  21. Right,but i think it still comes to a really abrupt halt and rebounds like crazy.
  22. I think is has to do with the weight of the compression spring and the piston, also, semi-cushioned?, maybe not so much, think about hitting a car tire as hard as you can with a 2 lb hammer. I think it has to do with the abrupt change of recoil direction too.
  23. If you end up as administrator, will you put in a bb gun range?
  24. I think Wrench knows you are one of the old country boys,BH
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