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Lancer09 last won the day on July 23 2022

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About Lancer09

  • Birthday 04/24/1990

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    Fly fishing

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  1. Since I have some flies, and Mr. Cold bailed. Still send 10 and everyone will get 10. Yall... I had to take college algebra twice. I have excel for math in my life now, not splitting flies for a swap. I. Am. Not. That. Smart.
  2. I'm in the same boat as @FlysmallieI think I have a pattern picked out. The wife leaves town Friday night and gets back Sunday morning. Won't have the toddler boy until Saturday morning. If I can avoid falling asleep at 830 on Friday night I might just be able to knock these out. Looking at doing a little skating caddis number.
  3. it should work just fine!
  4. @BilletHead I have you two's and Ham's flies in my possession.
  5. @Ryan Miloshewski I didn't send you my number. I'm sorry. That said Mail really is the easiest way so that I have everyone's return address. Also please send your flies in a puncture proof container if possible, I know it's tougher than an envelope but I don't want anyone's flies getting mangled because they got crushed, or confiscated by USPS. I have a few fly cups to spare but it's not an unlimited supply.
  6. I will be around ill shoot you a message with my number and I'll grab them from you.
  7. @ness if it didn't run up against a "deadline" would it even be a fly swap?
  8. Nope. Just a lack of reading comprehension, and posting while distracted at work.
  9. I think I've sent an address to at least one person in each household, Coldwater - I'm including your friends in your message. I missed adding Daryk to the original message. So if you have nine flies ready to go. Send them out and I'll make sure that everything gets sorted properly. Sorry for any confusion. I'll probably be something in the Fat Albert / Amy's Ant camp. But I may switch it up and do some sort of caddis.
  10. sold
  11. Updated list is in my first post. Please tie the same number of flies of people that are in the swap. It makes separating out everyone's packages much easier in a month, yes you will get your own fly back. Buy a small box and keep them all together in there so you know all the contents from everyone, including yourself. Please have them in the mail by March 15. I'll make sure that once I have everyone in it only takes me a couple days to turn them all around. Also.. please send them in some sort of puncture proof container. Keep in mind you may tie something very small, someone else may tie something not.. small. Please make sure that box / cup / etc will hold approximately 10 flies. I don't want to be overly grumpy about rules but they will make everything run smoother and we all get flies back quicker.
  12. well shoot boys. making me feel loved. Lets keep it easy for now. Trout flies that have some foam somewhere in em sounds good to me. hoppers, stoneflies, caddis, plenty of options. Have fun with it. How does everyone feel about having them in the mail to me by March 15, then I can get them out to everyone before the weather gets nice and we need to start fishing some of 'em.
  13. Anyone fancy getting a little swap going? 8 People, send 8 flies and everyone gets the same package back (includes your own) trout flies that use foam? nymphs? Something that isn't overly arduous and could be knocked out relatively quickly? 1. Devin (Me) 2. Ness 3. Coldwater 4. Ham 5.Billet 6. Ryan 7. Flysmallie 8. Mrs. Billethead 9. Coldwater's friend 10. Daryk
  14. I've got a Kuat Piston Pro X Hitch mounted bike rack. Brand new in box. Retails for 1300, would like to see 1100.00.
  15. Shoot partner. I'll be in touch and we can just make it happen, no need to hope.
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