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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I'm going to wait and see what happens with the reopenings before changing behaviors much.
  2. You're the one who said he wants to check out. If I am mistaken and you're in for the discussion whether you agree with what I or others have to offer, then have at. It is surely a free for all melee now. So kick it!šŸ˜Ž
  3. I'm not sure in the least there is a solution. Until there is an effective vaccine.
  4. True for some not all. Not me for one,
  5. Feel free to check out, snowflake. The rest of us will carry on in our own peculiar ways.
  6. Have one more. You'll only sleep better!
  7. Don'ttrytotellmewhattodo.com Or, kma.org
  8. You and me. And a few others.
  9. We seldom do. Forgive me for a moment. I watched a special last night about Justice Clarence Thomas. He grew up as poor as poor can be, Came out of it strong as strong could be and into 60's black power. Huey Newton, Stokey Carmichael and the like. Got into a top shelf undergrad school and then Yale. After Yale, it was MO assistant AG working for Jack Danforth. And then, one day, who knows when or why, Ronald Raygun picked him. The backstory and how he went from far L to about as far R right as I've ever seen was quite something. Mitch, you might not, probably don't remember those black power guys. But back then it was a different day,
  10. Right. All of us.
  11. Who else puts sriricha their ketchup? Every single time. Asking for a friend.
  12. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

  13. You know I've tried. Tried hard. But f*ck it. Them other bastages won't let me alone. So. What is,, is.
  14. If you think for a minute I'm in favor of printing money as a way out of this mess you have me wrong. Mail in voting - yeah I did that back when. Benefits for illegals no way. And it's going to have to be really cold for DJT to walk on water. Tell the truth. Do you think the travel ban was anything more than reality TV revisited? I'm not his guy, obviously. But Pelosi. She stinks as bad. Her word is no good and neither is her judgement. Look no further than the whole impeachment thing. She said no way unless it's bipartisan. And then sent it to he** in front of the house and then the senate knowing there was no chance. She and Schumer are both horrid.
  15. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I love them both. And both done spicy to extra spicy. Very seldom extra spicy on the Mexican. But now and again.... you never know.
  16. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I'm doing some fried potatoes and onions, a ham steak and asparagus. Things is hard in these here hills.
  17. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Done right, which from you is a given, few things are better tasting. And that looks really really good.
  18. Your Republican buddies did that to you, Mitch and hundreds of thousands of others.
  19. Art History
  20. In this case I'll say my prayers.
  21. And a world of evidence and advice from professionals that logarithmic growth was inevitable. And I thought the question was not about Nancy Pelosi, rather Trump who actually is President where the buck used to stop. How many people travelled to U.S. from China during that "ban" anyway? Typical meaningless reality TV move if you ask me. But go ahead and tout that if it makes you feel good.
  22. Well then. If it was my boat I would do another 12 or maybe 18 inches of deck on top of the gunwales, put in a cross member at the gunwales and at floor level, put a front on to make a box, put a door in it and then put on a remote controlled bow mount troller with battery in the box. And use the rest of the box for other storage needs. Did much the same to an old semi vee I had back when heck was a pup. Did it with 3/4" CCA plywood and treated wood members. Covered it with brownish turf. SS fasteners and big aluminum pop rivets. Never a problem.
  23. What? You don't like titties? AND. She looks happy to me!!!!!
  24. Gee Wally, that's too bad.
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