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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. My boat has a full flat floor and it's really a stable comfortable way to fish. There's a walkway from the front to the rear and it's easy to get around in. Spider seats are stable and comfortable too. You are more than welcome to fish with me assuming I am able to attend - which I think is more likely than not.
  2. Barring the unforeseen - of which there is plenty right now - I'm in. I'll pay no matter what for a single queen snoring room.
  3. Yes. I would go LF rather than UL though. Try to have both in your hand before deciding.
  4. I like a 6'6" LF St. Croix for that use. The Airstream that John recommends is good too - I've got two of them. I also have a rod that Richard Cross - the zig jig man - had for sale. It is so light and just right action that of them all, it's my favorite. CrossFire Rod | ZigJig
  5. Nice room. I especially like all the windows.
  6. Great trip and a nice report. Glad all worked out for you the way it did,
  7. I know exactly where you were. There can be a log jam or two in the area. Sometimes the simplest looking places can get you. I got dumped by the wind in a riffle on the North Fork once. Not an obstruction anywhere, just fast current in one direction, big wind in the other direction and I got sideways to both. Lost a brand new St Croix rod and Pfleuger President reel in that little incident. It was cool enough I was glad to have dry clothes with me. Glad you didn't lose anything valuable.
  8. Try wearing them with a pair of wool socks. Best wading combo I've yet tried. I've used my Keen Newports but way too much gravel pain. Wading boots are fine too but lots heavier than the flats booties.
  9. My neighbors are all good. Live down the road, share produce, help each other when we can - for example he's got shoulder problems and can't put five gallon cans of diesel in his tractor, but I can. And then just like magic, my out of control overgrown orchard had a brush hog run over it. We hear shooting routinely in several directions, as in right across the road. There are million dollar houses just down the road. I even saw the sheriff a few days ago. We talked about moving, but have since come to our senses. We're here for the duration.
  10. It's at 1401 W. Commercial. Compost is free.
  11. Hang tough Daryk. We'll see you again on the river. Everyone really is pulling for you and yours.
  12. That flow will be fishable. I haven't seen Mary Decker Shoal lately but being the once bitten twice shy type that I am, there is no way I would run it without scouting it first. The float camps are nice but firewood is scarce around them. Good luck and do please give us a report. Here's a photo of a fairly nice 11 point fish my grandson caught.
  13. At least it's not running under a mulberry tree.🚫
  14. She can barely reach that thing. She needs an Amish step stool to go with it, so get busy.
  15. Terrierman

    Fish roe

    Salmon roe, like most is salty fishy deliciousness. I've eaten trout eggs when they give them up to hand totally fresh - also good.
  16. You are a sicko.
  17. Otters are also on the usual suspects list.
  18. Terrierman

    HBD Phil!

    Happy Birthday Phil, and many more.
  19. A day at Graceland is worth the time if you ask me.🎯
  20. This is a privately owned forum where the owner doesn't want political discussion, based on experience of how those discussions nearly always devolve into vitriol.
  21. We're not going to do politics in this or any other thread.
  22. You should know by now that I do not discuss other posters in the forum.
  23. To say that Ham is no scrub is a top ten qualifier for the understatement of forever. I've never fished personally with anyone that's his equal. And the good part is he's totally just everyday stuff about it. No fake humility or anything like bragadocio. He's just so much fun to fish with and be around. Sure looking forward to seeing him again soon. Ham, this has been a fun read. Many thanks.
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