I center punched a fairly nice buck in the center of his chest as he was walking straight towards me up out of a draw. I saw him coming and got ready to shoot while he was down in the draw and could not see me. When I shot him, he took off like greased lightning running to my left. I thought how on earth did I miss that deer? Jacked in another round, shot again and he dropped. The second shot was a lucky shot, hit him right in the neck. But the first shot killed him too. I hadn't missed, and the blood trail from where I'd hit him was huge. Looked like somebody had buckets of blood and was throwing it everywhere. Recovered the bullet from the chest shot just under the skin on the left hip. Only bullet I've ever recovered from a deer. Everything inside was a mess, totally destroyed. I was shooting a .270 Winchester, 130 grain Sierra Game King loaded at 3100 FPS. If I'd shot that deer with a .375 H&H I think I would have seen the same thing.