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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Maybe I should have said naturally reproducing.
  2. Don't like crowds much anymore. Get a little anxious which is not how I used to be. So I'll avoid it even if I do like the place and the seminars sound cool. Is this maybe the 50th anniversary of Bass Pro or something?
  3. On Mark Twain Lake there is an island that only shows when the lake level is lower than normal. Beached the boat there once back in the late '80's to get out for a stretch. We started finding heads, partial heads and a couple of bigger pieces that were likely scrapers laying around. Picked up maybe 15 pieces. That's the only time I ever hit a mother lode.
  4. Every big fish started out a little fish. That's my wisdom for today. Maybe the rest of the week.
  5. Reel Magic is not a gimmick in my opinion.
  6. I'm done eating spoonbill. Found I like smallmouth bass better. And native trout.
  7. Coated deck screws with torx heads are the solution.
  8. I'm gonna tell Griz what you called him.
  9. I'll take another 170,000 hard working family oriented hispanics every day over 170,000 entitled rich kids.
  10. You are aware that those nailers have adjustment for how deep nails are driven, right?
  11. Painful too. Rehab was way worse than any other I've had.
  12. Look at the signature on Phil's post.🎯 It is a very nice looking case for sure.
  13. Post of the Century!
  14. I was so done after catching a 100 lb tarpon. A 600 lb sturgeon for me would mean a motor driven reel and somebody else to hold the rod.
  15. Now that's a fish!
  16. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    An interesting process and much more time involved than I would have ever imagined.
  17. I center punched a fairly nice buck in the center of his chest as he was walking straight towards me up out of a draw. I saw him coming and got ready to shoot while he was down in the draw and could not see me. When I shot him, he took off like greased lightning running to my left. I thought how on earth did I miss that deer? Jacked in another round, shot again and he dropped. The second shot was a lucky shot, hit him right in the neck. But the first shot killed him too. I hadn't missed, and the blood trail from where I'd hit him was huge. Looked like somebody had buckets of blood and was throwing it everywhere. Recovered the bullet from the chest shot just under the skin on the left hip. Only bullet I've ever recovered from a deer. Everything inside was a mess, totally destroyed. I was shooting a .270 Winchester, 130 grain Sierra Game King loaded at 3100 FPS. If I'd shot that deer with a .375 H&H I think I would have seen the same thing.
  18. When it comes to deer, it's where you hit them, much more than what you hit them with. About the 6.5 Creedmoor. It's a round that long range shooters love for the ballistics and low recoil. The guy in the orange hat killed this elk at a lasered 897 yards with one shot from his McMillan Creedmoor, shooting prone with a bipod. He's a serious long range shooter. Carries a ballistics calculator with him that tells him how to adjust for temperature, altitude, humidity, wind and the angle of the sun what day of the week it is and when he last talked to his wife. Basically everything. I was there. Saw it happen. That's me in the black vest. It's a very capable round from a good rifle with the right guy behind it.
  19. Terrierman


    My take is I don't care. That or maybe she fell in a tackle box.
  20. Terrierman


    It's likely that you're probably right.
  21. Marty Stewart and the Fabulous Superlatives. Those guys are good musicians.
  22. Worth the time if you ask me.
  23. If you're going to go to that much trouble might as well have a waffle. Everybody likes waffles, right?
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