I like birds, all of them, even the sparrows, starlings and yes the pigeons too. But most especially the crows.
Have a feeder attached to the kitchen window. It brings quite a variety of seed eaters close enough to easily identify.
Fourteen breeding pairs statewide? They still sound in danger to me but I'm not an ornithologist or peregrine specialist. And allowing capture of five birds per year?
Pretty optimistic to this rank amateur.
But still, good news and we can use as much of that as we can get. Thanks for posting John.
Lovey and I are both scheduled for round one on Wednesday at Mercy SGF. Don't know if it will be Pfizer or Moderna. Don't really care either, just super glad to be in line for soon!
Try standing next to/firing a 106 mm recoilless rifle a few times and then you will know what tinnitus really is.😵 Loudest piece of ordnance in the military - even louder than the big guns on a battleship or a jet during takeoff.
Saturday morning breakfast. Sausage with extra sage, jalapeno cheese grits, poached eggs, toasted english muffin with olive oil and grated parmesan. Not really picture worthy but good enough to suit us.