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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Sounds like the perfect defense for getting picked up (low probability) for fishing without a license. Plus you can always play the "I'm old, my arm don't work, neither does the pecker and I'm on oxy so I guess I forgot" card.
  2. Go to ammoseek.com. It's a good way to find in stock ammunition. There are a lot of suppliers who have .410 from $18 per box up to around $25. Lots of different manufacturers too.
  3. I have a grandson who fishes what to me is a gigantic swimbait in farm ponds up around Nevada. I don't know which particular bait it is but it has to be 8 or 9 inches long and is jointed. He catches some big bass on that thing.
  4. Does it still smell like a paper mill down there?
  5. Harold and Dusty. I loved that red Ford Country Sedan. I learned how to cook white bass dipped in yellow mustard and then breaded and fried from Harold. Good recipe too.
  6. So. Does she need my address?
  7. ^^ One more thought. Just stay calm and everything will be fine.😎
  8. All you need now is a Cougar in the back seat and a kilo of bam bam taped to the frame with the cops coming around the corner. You'll remember how to drive then. 😵 But don't worry, the bam bam is really just fruit loops. Nice van, glad to hear about more progress.
  9. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Family showing up tomorrow so doing a pork shoulder today. Fun on the patio on a cold, windy, rainy day. 🙂 ^^ This thing is taking a while. Spent 10 hours on the Kamado Joe. Took it off and into a dutch with internal temp of 154. It's now in a 215 degree oven and still only at 168. I'll take it to 195 to call it done. Unless someone smarter than me comes along and tells me the right temp. I'm really proud of the glaze I whipped up. Apple cider vinegar, brown sugar, worcestershire sauce, yellow mustard, ketchup, granulated garlic and EVOO. Just some of this and some of that. But it's good enough to hope to be able to do it again. Put a bit on with a squirt bottle every half hour or so for the first few hours. Hopeful on this one.
  10. Pigeon shoots were big money deals back when.
  11. Holding tanks like what you are suggesting are seldom permitted. Because people just let them run over.
  12. What kind of pigeons do they use at a pigeon shoot?
  13. Setback for a septic system is 50 feet from a classified stream, lake or impoundment and 10 feet from property lines. That new lot you bought will be perfect for a properly designed and installed on-site treatment and disposal system. And it will add more value to your cabin and property than it costs.
  14. So where does the water go when you're done with it?
  15. Had they done it right up front - agreed in writing how to deal with expenses before they come along - there would be no need for arguments, animosity or hard feelings.
  16. That's because they didn't get it right up front. There are thousands of shared wells in Missouri.
  17. Nothing wrong with a shared well. You and the well owner should work something out now for repairs when it happens - which it will someday sooner or later. If it was me, I'd be kicking in for the electricity too. Sure it's not a lot, but I'm funny about wanting to always pay my way.
  18. Running water at the cabin will be a nice plus.
  19. Not many shad in that gullet.
  20. What the heck ever happened to Pete?
  21. 345,00 on a Chevy so you go buy a Ford.???? And for certain, pickups are a lot bigger than they used to be. Colorado is close to what a 1970 1/2 ton Chevy was like. Good luck with a nice looking new ride.
  22. You got me.😵
  23. How much room can a few hooks, maybe a swivel or two and some no roll weights take up anyway???
  24. We had 2.22" at my house that's a few miles east and north of Ozark. Most of it before midnight. Finley is bank full, muddy and lots of trash.
  25. Thanks, I'll try to get something figured out before it's getting close to hatching time. I've got a carport that the birds hang out in now. They like to kick up gravel on the lawnmowers and sit on the tiller. I can fix her up with a covered 4'x4' dog exercise pen, a nest box and food and water under there. It's on the north side of the shop and well out of the weather. So that should work right? The next question is should that move happen soon or closer to hatching time assuming she stays on the nest? Any tips on moving her and the eggs/nest? I'm thinking take her off the nest, move to her new home then move the nest and eggs intact into a new box to then put in with her?
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