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Everything posted by Grumpy53

  1. Prayers for your wife, you and all of your family. The jigs and fish can wait for things to settle down. Hang in there and take care of your wife, she is more important.
  2. Everyone has said it all. From the family/friends, they are the same to me, that has giving out on Table Rock. Thank you. Merry Christmas to all.
  3. I think it would be funny to some of those big shots and their big boats get stuck on an island by where Roaring River comes in, by Eagle Rock. That might get them to thinking that "This boat doesn't belong here".That is my opinion. I have seen a couple of the tournament boats get on an island there. Moderators, if you see the need to delete I understand.
  4. I don't get to Table Rock enough to post much of anything nor do I catch many fish. That being said, I fish simply for the enjoyment of being out in nature and RELAXING. I have seen mink, deer, fox and many other critters, on the shore and in the water, while out in the boat. I do keep some crappie once in a while but no Black Bass or any other bass. If someone cuts in front of me I will say something to them. If the reponse is somehow bad, I might fire the Merc and leave with a sizeable wake. Just depends on the mood I am in. I try to be polite about where I am fishing. I don't try to make people mad and I dont want to be ticked off either. One of us might need help later in the day. I might be the only boat in the vicinity of you when your batteries go dead or you run out of gas. AND a storm is starting to move in. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", I think that's how it goes. I am going to try to get down there the weekend after Mothers Day. I will be in the Eagle Rock area in a beat up old AstroGlass, blue mostly with green on the rear corners, with a 115Merc on the back. If you see that boat come up and introduce yourself, I would like to meet you. Tight lines people!
  5. Tornado warnings over by Topeka this evening, 4-26. If that storm was visible to me I WOULD HAVE BEEN HIDING SOMEPLACE. I have never been through one and it is to late in my life to want to. I drove through the Joplin are about 2 weeks after that one hit. I seen a lot of things in my 62 years. But that scared the crap out of me. No thank you, they could to D.C. and clean house if they wanted to, wouldn't bother me much.
  6. Bo, if you're fishing the wrong area what did the others catch? Looks to me like you was in the right area. Beautiful fish. Good job.
  7. I think they, at least part of them, would rather be fishing. Funny and still laughing.
  8. Moderators, if you deem this unacceptable and want/need to delete this, I understand. Thank you, in advance, to everyone for letting me vent. I hope the person responsible for this get strung up with fish hooks. There is no reason for this to have happened. People have no respect for human life. Nor do they have respect for what the working/retired person has. They will steal anything and everything. If you happen to be close by the will kill you and not think a thing about it. I hope I don't catch someone stealing from my boat, they will wish they would have died when I get done with them. I will not make any comments on guns as I don't want to start a big argument over it. But I do own some and will use them. I will keep the Poche family in my prayers. God Bless Dylan Poche.
  9. Happy birthday Bill B. We all appreciate everything you do here. I don't know when you get time for yourself or to sleep.
  10. May this weather straighten up and get some dry air 7n that area. Please be careful. We enjoy the fishing reports, lake info and everything else that you put on here PHIL. let us know if you need anything or any help. I believe that the majority of people on this site would be glad to help. I am glad this wasn't snow!!!!
  11. Beats the heck out of working, which was what I was doing. If you can catch some fish when you go out, part of the time but not all, you're doing OK in my mind. I would rather spend 6 hours and catch what you did today than one hour of work for 8 hours pay. Good report QUILLBACK. You got a variety of 'em today. Nothing wrong with that.
  12. You have every right to be excited. Hell, I would be too. If I could get my wife to leave the Kansas City area I would have a place at the lake also. Congrats on the home. I know you will enjoy it. Enjoy the life an give fishing reports.
  13. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Be safe in whatever you do. If fishing today be thankful that we are blessed with them. Same for hunting.
  14. Phill, I am sorry that you have to come this way for a funeral. If you come across 135 st from the Missouri side stop in and look around a place called "SCHEELS ". Has a farris wheel inside, it is kind of like DICKS SPORTING GOODS stores. I just going in there and look around. I would rather buy from Bo in Cassville or BPS. Keep the money as local as I can. Be careful.
  15. What is "FACEBOOK"? I do have a FB account but don't spend a lot of time on there. I have 2 jobs and a family. Hell, I don't have enough time to drive from Olathe Ks to TABLE ROCK to fish. Maybe I should give up something but I don't know what? Last time I was there was the last of May. Any suggestions?
  16. Can't have nonbreeding fish in the lakes. We need small fish growing into BIG fish so we have something to brag about. Always need small fish!
  17. Jack Daniels in the coke do the fish any good or do I have to carry 2 cokes, 1 for fish and 1 for me?
  18. I live in the Kansas City area all 60 + years I have fish Table Rock, Bull Shoals, Tanneycomo, Beaver and others in Texas, Oklahoma and just about all over Canada. My Dad and built a house for him and Mom to retire to. They are both gone now and the house has sold. I still consider TABLE ROCK as my home lake. I pass closer lakes just to get to Table Rock.
  19. I don't get to Table Rock a lot even though I have a good time there and access to a house and some good friends around Eagle Rock. This thread is so stupid it is ridiculous. You all sound like a bunch of GRADE SCHOOL KIDS. Shut up and go back to FISHING!
  20. Cody, don't apologize for "...a long post...". I too am proud to be American thru and thru. Taking the family fishing and playing in the boat is what keeps the family going. My Dad took me fishing many, many times. I have taken my 30ish son fishing and my grandson has gone too. He talks about the fishing all the time. He wants to go more, whiich I will be glad to. He is 7 yo and wants to spend time with his Dad and "Pops". Take as often as you can, they will want to be outside and not sitting on their rear end playing video games. Good pictures of the fish and family. Ihope that everyone had a great day.
  21. Flyrod17, if I had been there I know that this 62 yo man would have cried like a baby. I am proud to be an UNITED STATES OF AMERICA citizen and I have thanked every Veteran I could with a handshake. I did not serve, too scared to sign up. Vietnam was winding down but I was still a big chicken. I hope that this does not offend anyone here. If it does please delete this post. GOD BLESS ALL VETERANS.
  22. There's someone else to take fishing with you, take Dad, brother, uncle. Life is awful darn short to not take others with you too. My mom and dad lived on TABLE ROCK LAKE for over 25 years. Dad took anyone who to visit. I enjoyed the time with them until the end. Dad passed 14 years and Mom 4 years ago. I still pick up the phone to call them, can't do that any more. So what I am saying is take all of your family fishing because you don't know that/you will be leaving us on earth!
  23. I got another $20 and a 12 pack. Kids will be kids. I know I was kid a long time ago and I got a backside slapping a few times. Kids all have to learn things about life, I didn't rob banks, burglarize any place or anthing bad........err maybe drank a llittle more than I should have. But my parents still loved me until the left this earth. Little kids get to me every darn time. No doubt about it. They will be taking care of us one of these days, probably a lot sooner than we may like.
  24. I work for a semi truck dealership in Kansas City as a delivery driver. I got back yesterday and went to turn in the paperwork for the day. As I walked past the parts counter I noticed a cute little girl. I stopped and asked why she was crying, she did not want to talk to me. I asked her if she had a Piggy Bank at home? She would not answer my, Dad was next to he and watching /listening and he said Yes. I dug out a dollar bill and give it to her, got a smile from her then. I waked past about 5 minutes later, she had stpped crying by now. I asked Dad if she could have a can of pop. He said she would like it. So I tok her by the hand and we wengt to the pop machine. I put the money in and she pushed the button before I could ask what she wanted, MOUNTAIN DEW is what she wanted. She grabbed the change, 15 cents and kept it. She smiled and said "Thank you mister". We went back to Dad and she gave me a hug and said "Thank you"again with a big smile. I have no idea why she was crying but I just wanted her to have something to maybe make her day a little bit better. I am not college educated. I retired from construction several years ago and little kids pull at my heart big time. They didn't ask to be brought into this world or the for the circumstances in which they are living in, good or bad. Thank you again, Fry, for a darn excellent read. Bless you and you family. I normally don't tell anyone about things like this but you, Flysmallie, told a tear jerking story that makes me think that there is good people out there. That they do care about the future of our country and human beings. I am no better than the other guy. I have an older boat there serves me well, wife and kids that are the best things in my life. They are what I lve for and love with all my heart.
  25. Be careful when going up ROARING RIVER. On the left in the mouth there's an island that was about a foot or so under, IIRC. Also another island across the river from the private docks. Bo, Bill B. or Champ probably have better info on them last time I was down there was back around the middle of January.
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