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About Ellros

  • Birthday June 16

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    DD peninsula, Table Rock lake (and Omaha, NE)

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Brook Silverside

Brook Silverside (11/89)



  1. Bay on the East side has several locations for underwater structure listed on the website. Might be worth looking into.
  2. 3.6 lb line?!?!? And obly 3 or 4 minutes to land?!?!? WoW! Incredible catch!
  3. 916 ft according to the Corps. Which isn't very high. Actually a foot below Top Power Pool according to the Corps for the time of year (Jun-Nov).
  4. Smallmouth were in the majority for me on the West side of Indian Point. Then about equal for spots and lmg.
  5. After Labor Day and when schools are back in session
  6. Maybe call the Shepherd of the Hills hatchery and see if they know? Most state record fish from TR are taken there for official verification.
  7. Watched that video the day it came out... No PFD and NO killswitch. Guy was lucky Darwin wasn't watching him.
  8. I've used the Jika rig, which is similar, with decent results.
  9. Wal-mart for worms. Extreme Outdoors for any other kind of live bait, including worms.
  10. Another hour of driving might be worth it to avoid potential lines at ramps and the traffic on the lake.
  11. Texting and boating? 🤔
  12. I've seen many articles about examples of that. CPR is a great idea, and there are a number of things that tournament organizers can do to prevent the "board-altering cheating", so it can be a good alternative to hauling fish around in a livewell.
  13. Should be another topic on batteries just a little ways down with some suggestions on brands.
  14. They prefer rock/gravel, with some current or other action (like wind) to keeps the eggs oxygenated. They don't make beds though. That's why the lakes up here in Nebraska see the walleye spawn along the riprap dams.
  15. OMG. They finally realized that. After I complained to them for MONTHS about how bad it was. And listening to them tell me... "We see no problems", or "We know it's bad, but there is nothing we can do about it". All depended on which phone-in tech support person I spoke to.
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