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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. We like Swiss chard. I like the stems as well ss the leaves. Knowing if it were up to my wife and daughter we would be growing the rainbow chard variety🙄
  2. Nice catch. I'm still looking to catch my first rod & reel flathead. They are considered invasive species here in MD along with blue catfish.
  3. I have always processed my own deer. Would do the same with goats, cattle (need heavier hoist system ), etc. Not sure about hogs. If I were to skin them, then it would not be a problem except again the hoist system for a big hog. Where I have a concern is the equipment needed for scalding off the hair to be able to process the hams.
  4. Oh and I also believe that you can tell incredible stories after the fact. Even Nostradamus was only prophetic after some one tweaked and massaged events to match with his prophesies.
  5. I really don't buy into alien influence and advanced mathematics being used in ancient buildings, etc. I believe that with unlimited resources, i.e., slave labor, and time that even without mathematics and only by trial an error, most of those items can be recreated. I recall the discussion of an irrigation system built by mesoamericans that was touted to have the perfect pitch to be able to flood the entire system and that they were able to construct that system without higher mathematics. Then you read that they were in that location for 900 years. isn't it more likely that as they expanded their irrigation system that they would have been able to improve it just by sight and trial and error. Seems more likely to me. The pyramids are a different story, but could still be based upon trial and error since there are lots of older pyramids that are smaller that the ones in Giza. Couldn't those have served as a working model that could be expanded upon? Even a child can make a square by eye and then build upon that base.
  6. Congrats on a nice bass! Hope that she enjoys her retirement. Looks like a great start!
  7. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Ryan that looks great! We make quite a number of Hank Shaw recipes. Really enjoy all of them.
  8. congrats on a couple of nice walleye!
  9. Problem with goats is that you have to like eating them. They can be a challenging taste for some folks.
  10. Possum on the half-shell! Killer Pat takes him out!
  11. Very nice fish. Dry run creek is something special. It will spoil those boys for sure .
  12. Congrats to gou both! She should remember that first smallie. Great job Dad!
  13. Though I haven't caught any down there it wouldn't surprise me if fliers are in Duck Creek or Mingo WMA which is very close to Duck Creek. Check out FishMap.org. I use that a lot to see species distributions and where they may have be caught or collected. It can be a fickle site at times. I'll send you a PM on the best spot for chain pickerel.
  14. The whole Folly fishing crew have flier cards . Though we used small jigs tipped with worm, you could have caught a couple of these on your flyrod @FishnDave! Have to get to Maryland first .
  15. personally I like crappie but find it pretty bland flavorwise🙄
  16. Congrats on finding a consistent bite. Keep taking your daughter out. Hope that she is a fishing pruner for life! A great way to make family memories.
  17. Now don't get @JestersHK started with that kind of talk 🙄! There will be no work done if he has an additional partner in crime on the all night Taney fishing. Seriously. That's a nice rainbow!
  18. Livie's favorite song! They say that I'm lazy but it takes all my time!
  19. I've got the swamp musky aka bowfun! No alligator gar though 🙄
  20. Absolutely fantastic job! I agree that it is a work of art.
  21. Surrounded by Karen's 😱
  22. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    He was right to not want to get into the pot. Look what happened last night to his brothers . And a side of sweet corn with Old Bay and a roasted sweet potato.
  23. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    The post that started it all!!!
  24. You are correct, they are called goldens or palomino trout that are hatchery bred. I have never heard of stream bred palomino/golden trout. The golden trout in CA is a critically imperiled species.
  25. Yes ! They can strip a cow to the bones in less than a minute... OK maybe not, but they will flat out tear up bunker and other fish when they are in a feeding blitz. I made the mistake of getting my finger close to the mouth of a little guy and it bit through my finger nail . After that I never get my fingers anywhere near their mouths.
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