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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Great adjustment on your parts! I hope that you can finish off the Blue Ribbon slam soon. You know that I like goals like that😁
  2. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    No photo. I had some pork left from the other night. Sliced thin and also thinly sliced a boneless chicken thigh. Marinated with third cup of teriyaki sauce with a teaspoon of sambal chili sauce, tablespoon of minced ginger and a large clove of minced garlic. Set in fridge for a couple of hours. Added one and half tablespoons of cornstarch just prior to cooking. Browned the meat then removed. Cooked broccoli florets. Then sugar snap peas cut in half or thirds on a bias. Onion slices then more minced garlic and ginger. Once onions were translucent added sliced cremini mushrooms, about a tablespoon of fish sauce and another third cup of teriyaki sauce with cornstarch to thicken the sauce. Served over brown rice.
  3. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Panko crusted pork cutlet with homemade mushroom gravy. Side of braised cabbage and brown rice.
  4. After all that has been said and the mud he has been drug through I 100% stand behind Alec Baldwin! Sure as heck won't be caught standing in front of him!🀣🀣
  5. Personally I would avoid the entire first week. If you do want to got down on the 2nd, I would suggest driving to the park and see what it looks like. If crowded you could consider fishing the blue ribbon section possibly at Tan Vat or Baptist early then go to the park later in the morning. That would be opposite of most of the crowds.
  6. If you don't want to fish the trout park, you have to fish below the Cedar Grove bridge for the white ribbon section.
  7. Congrats on some nice looking crappie @Lance34! Your client looks happy with those fish.
  8. Pretty amazing to catch one so shallow. We were at an outdoor expo last weekend looking at 5 to 10 lb deep water weights used for swordfish and tile fish.
  9. Absolutely amazing catch! https://www.outdoorlife.com/fishing/indian-ocean-swordfish-on-the-fly/
  10. Been seeing them around here and thought the same thing. We also have been seeing a lot wandering foxes.
  11. Nice smallies! Congrats to you guys!
  12. Johnsfolly


    It's a portable turkey blind. On one of out trips from Missouri we stopped in Point Pleasant Wesr Virginia where the mothman sightings took place. Went go the museum, ate mothman fries (covered with spicy jack cheese and habaneros). https://www.mothmanfestival.com/
  13. Johnsfolly


    @trythisonemv I have never fished Crane blindfolded, but have fished it with a folded blind 🀣! Even caught fish from behind that blindπŸ˜‰
  14. @Terrierman sorry to hear about your chickens. That just sucks.
  15. Marty you make a great hive, but Pat's contributions are amazing! Definite keeper there!
  16. Maybe he was handing them out to folks as decoys saying that he caught such and such bass on them, but used other lures 😁!
  17. @nomolitesThanks so much for sharing yiour trip report! What a great time. I love seeing those big reds and wahoo. What was the weight of that black drum? How about that giant wahoo? Did you make any meals with those sheepshead? If so, how did you like them? I have to say that wahoo are one of my favorite fish to eat. You guys have great meals ahead of you!
  18. I probably have one in an old tackle box. Still have lots of the other color patterned Hula Poppers. Was my favorite bass bait as a teen.
  19. A lot easier to spot in a small group of Canada geese than a flock of snow geese πŸ˜‰
  20. I saw a similar meme with a person screaming with a Leek in their boatπŸ˜†
  21. 11Feb23 - Fountain Rock Park Pond / Stansbury Pond If you did not know, I am also a birder. Not as active as I used to be when I first got to Missouri, but picked it up over the last year or so. My birding life-list is currently at 388 species and I want to get to and over 400 by the end of 2023. So I have been looking over rare bird alerts for Delaware and Maryland. On the 11th I had identified three birding targets, Ross's goose, Brewer's blackbird, and orange-crowned warbler. Not to waste opportunities, I also included a couple of trout stocked ponds on this trip πŸ˜‰. It took a bit to locate the Ross' goose, but I was succesful (#388). Also saw a lone female bufflehead duck and a group of hooded mergansers (a favorite of mine) on that same lake. I also saw coots, common mergansers, buffleheads, and ring-necked ducks on an adjoining lake. I drove from the goose sighting up to a small (an I mean small) pond (Fountain Rock Park Pond) that was stocked recently with golden and regular rainbows. The bottom and water was full of the green snot algae (Spirogyra sp. most likely). The two guys next to me caught a couple while I was there as well as the other guy in the photo (photo shows about 3/8 of the total pond). Only four fish that I saw caught in about an hour of fishing. I only got to frequently clean my line and baits. I did see a couple of the golden rainbows, but they were just swimming around and not actively feeding. I had given myself about an hour to get it done before I had to head to the next spot to try and find the Brewer's blackbird. We had tried to find this bird a week or so before. We could not confirm if we were seeing it amongst the redwing blackbirds in the area where folks were seeing it. This time the land owner was letting his dog run around in the horse field and no birds were seen. Pretty inconsiderate if you ask me to use your own land when folks are stopping next to your house to see a rare bird πŸ˜‚. Running out of daylight I ran to Stansbury pond to try and find the warbler. It has been seen repeatedly around a couple of "Keep off the Beach Grass" signs. I looked in that area and only could confirm white-throated sparrows, cardinals, carolina wrens, and juncos. Might have seen the warbler, but difficult in the low light. I set up and fished the pond just in front of the signs. I put on the same Poweregg and trout nibble combo that I have used elsewhere. I didn't have to wait too long before I got a good bite and a solid hook set. Landed a 12 inch stocker. This was the third trout from a new fishing spot in MD. Just have seven more to go πŸ˜‰. I lost another and then darkness set in. Never saw the warbler. My wife gave me a hard time that someone from the other side of the "keep off the beach grass" sign took a photo with me standing in the background watching my lines πŸ˜†. Such a supportive family. Just before it was too dark, I did see another favorite of mine, a pied-billed grebe, fishing for dinner.
  22. I have never done it, but you have to look at shape of the vent. I'd post photos but the moderators would likely delete this postπŸ˜…. That best done within a day of hatch. So most of the store chicks are well past that age. Could still be done but with more stress on the chick. Like I mentioned previously at the age of your chicks you would start to see posturing between roosters if you had any. Our roosters developed their wattles faster and larger that the hens.
  23. Good Luck Rick! Before we knew what a straight run was we had a 50:50 split πŸ™„. Then the ones we bought from Tractor supply last year that were supposed to be hens only were also a 50:50 split πŸ˜’. That hasn't sat well with me. I suspected we had roosters early when the two were posturing to each other like the roosters from our first group of chickens.
  24. That so awesome @Daryk Campbell Sr! So glad to see you making good from all the rehab work that you have done since the accident. Great job!
  25. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Looks great buddy!
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