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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. A follow up article to the giant rainbow from NZ. I have mentioned before that I feel that diploid and triploid fish should be treated separately when it comes to our fishing records. These NZ in my opinion may also need some separation in the records. https://www.fieldandstream.com/fishing/are-new-zealand-record-trout-legit/
  2. I've only caught one ling cod and it was out of season😟. Would have loved to try it.
  3. I liked them better than the salmon that we caught and sent home from Alaska.
  4. Might need a biologist to answer that 😅.
  5. Jeff I am pretty sure that you had mentioned this before that your avatar name really refers to the quillback rockfish and not the sucker.
  6. Congrats! Sounded like a great day to me! This is a great time to fish.
  7. We miss going to that swap meet. Did they end up selling Jacob's cave? Jackie sent us the realtor add for it's sale several months ago.
  8. I saw this press release a few days ago and with his recent issues with hunting and conversation about wheel chairs, etc. I thought of our own OAF contributor, aka @oneshot and @oneshot 1 I would think that one of these guys could get him down to his favorite fishing spot as well 🤔 All-terrain track-chairs will help MDS expand services to mobility-impaired outdoor enthusiasts. MDC grant helps purchase track-chairs for Missouri Disabled Sportsmen All-terrain track-chairs will help MDS expand services to mobility-impaired outdoor enthusiasts. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Specialized track-chairs help the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) make nature and the outdoors more accessible to all outdoor enthusiasts. MDC recently awarded a grant to Missouri Disabled Sportsmen (MDS) to assist in the purchase of four track-chairs and an enclosed trailer. These all-terrain track-chairs will allow MDS to expand their services and create more opportunities for those they serve. MDS is a non-profit organization with the mission of providing mobility-impaired, youth, and terminally ill youth outdoor enthusiasts with hunting, fishing, shooting sports, and outdoor educational opportunities in a safe and inclusive manner. “Partnerships between MDC and organizations like MDS are integral to the Department’s outreach efforts,” said Education Outreach Coordinator Rob Garver. “We’ve partnered with MDS for several years and we’re confident this grant and the new track-chairs will strengthen this relationship for years to come.” Track-chairs are off-road, electronic chairs that are designed for all terrain mobility. The chairs make the outdoors accessible for those with mobility issues. MDC currently has 14 track-chairs in its Missouri Accessible Outdoors Track-Chair Program. The all-terrain track-chairs are utilized for hunting, fishing, and other outdoor education events sponsored by MDC or partnering organizations. Four are located in Springfield, four in Kirksville, two in Cape Girardeau, and four in Kansas City. MDS works with volunteer mentors, agencies, private landowners, and like-minded organizations to create opportunities for participants to pursue deer, upland birds, turkey, waterfowl, and fish, as well as participate in outdoor educational events throughout Missouri. With the addition of their own track chairs, MDS has the ability to expand their program offerings. For more information about MDS, visit their website at missouridisabledsportsmen.org.
  9. Maybe 🙄😅
  10. I haven't posted about my fishing near Columbia when I was last in Missouri back in early Aug. Prior to heading to MO we fished a bit in KS. Trying for new species, but really only had less than two hours for any given spot. Still was hopeful that the location selceted would give up a new minnow, darter, etc. We saw plenty of tiny darters that were likely Johnny darters, which was one of my targets. They were all just too small for even my tanago hooks 😒. I also was hoping to find fathead minnow, but only managed to catch a couple of creeks chubs. We also fished the Republican river. We saw colored up shiners that we hoped were redfin shiners, but they were red shiners (I have caught these in MO). We saw what looked like a large school of small and a couple much larger quillbacks ( @Quillback). None of which were interested in any worms that we threw their way. The red shiner was a new lifer for Livie. I drove away from KS to MO with a warning ticket and my tail between my legs. I had a couple of spots figured out to try for logperch and johnny darters back in MO. I started and spent a lot of time fishing the pools above and below a low water bridge. I saw a bunch of variety, including a shortnose gar, longear, bluegill, green sunfish, largemouth bass, channel catfish, common shiners, blackstripe topminnows, western mosquitofish, brook silversides, gizzard shad, possible quillbacks, northern hog suckers, possible johnny darter, golden redhorse suckers, and one unidentified buffalo. I threw a small 1/32 oz marabou jig to the gar. It quickly bit and cut me off. I got to watch it chew and eat the jig and it never went after another bait. I tried for the Johnny darter and had to catch and redistribute many longear and green sunfish. Once I was able to get an unmolseted bait down to it the darter spurned my advances. The best micros that I caught were brook silverside and blackstripe topminnows. I was able to catch one of the channel catfish and flipped a trout magnet jig with redworm in front to a feeding golden redhorse and watched it eat 😉. I didn't get much beyond these pools to find more darters at that location. I did go to another location and found the logperch that I was looking for. However, they were located in a school of well over 100 stonerollers that spooked at the slightest ripple in the water. I only had one chance with that school and the logperch did not eat the bait and then they all spooked. I had another Johnny darter spurn my bait and I found two other logperch with a single stoneroller. One actually turned toward my bait and then they all swam off into deeper water. So much for any lifers from around Columbia 😒. Still was happy the variety of the fish I did catch.
  11. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Monday morning I used a mixture of sage pork sausage and an Italian bratwurst with sundried tomatoes to make sausage gravy. Served over scratch drop biscuits. Was delicious. Even without a photo😉
  12. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    With that great looking food on the inside who cares what the top looks like😉
  13. Today I hit the gym. But I drove away since I don't have car insurance 🤣
  14. Wife: I have a full bag of clothing that I would like to donate. Husband: Why not just throw it away? Wouldn't that be easier? Wife: But there are poor starving women that could really use these clothes. Husband: Honey anyone that can fit into those clothes then they aren't starving! Husband is now recovering from his head injuries🤣
  15. Dave weren't you wearing that when we fished together a couple of weeks ago 😅?!?
  16. Great shortnose! I love the coloration of the mouth of that male bowfin. I really want to catch a colored up male during the breeding season. Our kids would catch little snapping turtles like that one. We would keep them for a couple of months (usually from May/June to Aug). Would feed them guppies.
  17. Sounds like a great day @dan hufferd!
  18. What a Donkey!!! Thanks for posting this Jeff. I read that a couple of days ago. When I saw the first photo, I thought triploid followed by what has it been eating. That fish is what you get when yu fish around thos salmon pens. Sooo much high caloric and protein enriched food available.
  19. Having a great family is a big deal. So take care being dad! Like @FishnDave said the fish will still be there when you can get back after them routinely. Congrats on that big spot! When I saw the post title and who posted it, I thought that it was a little early to be fishing the urban trout ponds 😅
  20. Looking good @Ketchup! I had fun building our chicken coop.
  21. @Daryk Campbell Sr you and your family are in our thoughts. I hope for your speedy recovery. Also hope that your son is able to get through this as well without fear of driving again.
  22. Who even knew this was a possible record?!? Sorry @Daryk Campbell Sr your cedar canoe can't compete with this guy😅 https://nypost.com/2022/08/29/nebraska-man-shatters-world-record-for-longest-trip-in-a-pumpkin-boat/ I will admit I would have loved to see this paddling his pumpkin.
  23. They were not. I also did not catch a >/= 12 inch trout in Mill creek or the blue riboon section of Little Piney 🙄
  24. They are fun to catch for sure.
  25. Looks fun. I would love to try for that slam and maybe go back and do the trout slam over again.
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