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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Looks like a blast. I have caught quite a few rock bass, LMB, and SMB on a PB&J ned in creeks like that one.
  2. Again thanks for taking us along on your White river trip. Would love to get Sue down there someday and do something similar. Maybe your posts with photos will help.
  3. @Quillback another day living the great life buddy. Congrats on some nice bass and the walleye!
  4. I had a feeling that it might be the roots. If it were the leaves then more likely to be called a tea.
  5. Not sure which part of the plant is used, I have heard of chickory coffee.
  6. Congrats, hat's a big redear! So much fun to catch.
  7. Looks like a great time DJ. Thanks for sharing with photos👍
  8. Cover Wrench's ears but if they do find hybrids there may be some breeding work to get close to if not the original genome.
  9. Another salty -northern sea robin
  10. I don't like bait fishing for trout except if I intend to keep them. I have used a drop shot style rig for trout in the past. Worked well. A great bait. When the urban lakes would freeze in Columbia we used salmon eggs on size 18 or 20 trebles.
  11. I don't/didn't fish Taney much, but fished the Current a lot. So I agree that in moderate flow situations, there will be trout eating other fish. More likely brown trout which tend to be more piscivorous that rainbows, but bigger rainbows will as well.I fished a lot of rapala floating baits or mid water running baits. Not great for Taney where you need to get closer to bottom. Down below the trophy section, I'm sure that the stockers would be eating cheese, vienna sausages, etc. 😅
  12. All you need to confirm is get some grad student to do a DNA survey of the fish in Crane and compare to fish from CA. Wouldn't be too expensive, but doubt MDC would fund it. Wrench could post a GoFundMe site to raise the cash 😉.
  13. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Looking delicious. My wife has been doing an asian pork belly recipe when we see meaty pieces like those.
  14. Back when I lived in Connecticut, I used to say that after 3 am that 33% of the drivers on the road are drunk. The other 33% is a policeman and the last one is you.😅
  15. Hourly workers 😉. More like it's 7 o'clock somewhere🤔
  16. aka Bill Gates😠 https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2022-06-30/north-dakota-ag-clears-farmland-purchase-tied-to-bill-gates
  17. I agree with @Gavin that as a non-native and potentially harmful one to the native species gig them all if needed. I don't see them any differently than I do lionfish.
  18. It's been difficult to retain entry level people. They all now think that they deserve $100K with 1-2 yrs of experience. Then the market for new talent is pretty poor. As easy as it sounds to just pay them more, it is really hard to get clients to accept even a marginal increase in their study costs.
  19. Johnsfolly


    Awesome photo op. Would like to see more snakes around. They don't seem to be as common last decade or so.
  20. That was me on the fourth catching juvenile black sea bass from a pier down in VA. I had to set a target of two dozen fish and then be done.😁
  21. When I see articles like the one I posted, it makes me think really how we are not even fishing for the same fish when catching stockers vs these giants. Even a 20 inch fish which most consider the gateway to trophy trout are insignificant compared to how big these fish can really get under the right circumstances. Makes my PB rainbow - 4Lbs and PB brown - 5 lbs (both caught in the Current not Taney or White) look like micros 😅
  22. Thanks Mike. That was the nicest one that I have ever caught for that species. Very happy.
  23. Now the day before my wife caught a cownose ray in that same area that she fought for several mins. She thought that it might break her rod. Broke off as we were landing it. Wasn't expecting a big fish and left net at home🙄. I had a rod and bait (and net) ready but none showed up to play again.
  24. This is a terrible move for conservation.
  25. @snagged in outlet 3 A salty reason to microfish - Striped blennies caught on the fourth😁 Mine Livie's
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