I really don't buy into alien influence and advanced mathematics being used in ancient buildings, etc. I believe that with unlimited resources, i.e., slave labor, and time that even without mathematics and only by trial an error, most of those items can be recreated. I recall the discussion of an irrigation system built by mesoamericans that was touted to have the perfect pitch to be able to flood the entire system and that they were able to construct that system without higher mathematics. Then you read that they were in that location for 900 years. isn't it more likely that as they expanded their irrigation system that they would have been able to improve it just by sight and trial and error. Seems more likely to me.
The pyramids are a different story, but could still be based upon trial and error since there are lots of older pyramids that are smaller that the ones in Giza. Couldn't those have served as a working model that could be expanded upon? Even a child can make a square by eye and then build upon that base.