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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Tonight's dinner didn't happen since there are no photos. Chicken breast split and fried with an italian seasoned bread crumb crust. Stuffed with swiss and smoked ham then baked. Served with a basil and dijon beschamel sauce. Sweet corn with old bay and rice.
  2. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Friday night was shrimp with a homemade Alfredo sauce with a bit of garlic. Almost an Alfredo scampi😀.
  3. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    We like a bit more sauce between layers. But that is a goid looking pasta stack for sure😀.
  4. Willing to make an exception for a state record. Now if only they had records for 3 inch rainbow darters😀. I'd be all in👍!
  5. I'm still working on catching that 1 lb bluegill on a limbline to take the alternative record for that species !
  6. No problem. Good Luck!
  7. Definitely had big eyes for that bait😀.
  8. Most fish are not that active at night and not as skittish. So gigging or bowfishing at night means that the fish may stick around longer for you to stick it or shoot it. Usually folks over time figure out the easiest way to secure something to eat. So instead of wasting a lot of time spooking fish during the day go at night and have better odds filling your boat.
  9. Johnsfolly


    Hard fighting and great to eat. Winning combination in my book😀. Can be easy to over harvest big ones.
  10. Looks like good water Dan and a nice day to get out with your grandson. Did you catch a bunch?
  11. @Smallmouth Addict 12 did you ever get out to Little Dixie for blue cats? If so how did you do?
  12. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Maybe bring him out of seclusion😀. All that sounded great Rick!
  13. Looks so much bigger in this photo. What a toad!
  14. That is a Giant! Congrats Bill!
  15. To me these pictures says it all! Congrats on making great memories with your kids! 👍👍
  16. Looks like it catches big females😱. What can you say the marketing is working😌.
  17. What we need is more strict gun control laws like they have in DC and Chicago.... Wait a minute😌?!?
  18. Nice PB smallie Seth. Congrats!
  19. Watching a float go under is a great trigger. Still love the thump of an underwater bite😀.
  20. Would that be Gerrymallarding😌! Maybe someone was under the influence when they made the dividing lines😂.
  21. @JestersHK Nice haul for a quick morning pond trip buddy! I would have to had done one of your night fishing trips to get ahead of the front in Columbia. Rained until 4 pm.
  22. I still have to winder Ness since I don't get those kinds of pop up ads 😜. Lately it has been life insurance ads for me. Wonder if they know somethimg that I don't😌.
  23. When I am purposely fishing powerboat or eggs for trout I am keeping them. What I don't like is gut hooking a trout when I am fishing worms for suckers in the Niangua amd hadn't planned on keeping any. Should listen more to Oneshot who tends to head home with trout when he sucker fishes and bring a cooler regardless. And should start using circle hooks there too. I was watching an offshore video and they were catching undersized mahi. Every one of thise fish was dropped into the boat, allowed to bounce all over the deck and then thrown back into the water. The whole time that guy us saying how high the mortality rate is for those short fish 😒. I would also contend that carpeted boat decks aren't a great catch and release surface for those fish either.
  24. I will also say that I have a few but would love to have every DeLorme state gazetteer atlases as well. I will lose service in a lot of rural areas and having a paper map is invaluable to me. Having the state atlas has helped quite a few times to find a spot or to get me out of one 😌.
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