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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. A long time ago I just fished bass with topwaters then got into plastics. When my oldest (now 22) was about 5 i bought her a bag of bubblegum colored worms as her special baits. I hadn't fished pink for bass and never thought that I would. Was fishing a small private lake and nearly went through "her" bag of worms while catching well over 40 bass. Since then pink was a go to bait for that lake in particular. I have had some success elsewhere. Now I hardly just bass fish since I am usually targetting something new to catch. When I do though something pink (flukes or worms) will be in my tackle bag. I've done well on crappie and urban trout with pink and white trout magnets.
  2. David congrats on finding the fish and finding what they wanted to eat! Great trip report. Love photos. Always like seeing some fish. Congrats and merry Christmas!
  3. That's the Xmas spirit!
  4. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Merry Christmas everyone! I wish you all happiness with each of you and your families. My fishing trip got unexpectedly extended due to the mate being a no show and one of the regulars taking on thise tasks. All day in the wind and heavy chop took its toll on me. So we tabled out ribeye and shrimp dinner for after Xmas. Will post when we have something ready to post😌.
  5. Used to be six. Then changed to ten about 6 to 8 years ago. In a single outing I've shot four a lot and five a few times and six just once. Typically three to five would do for a meal. Would cut down my predatory angst when I got that many in the bag. Also it would usually be about 10 or 11 by then and they would be holed up by that time if the morning as well.
  6. Hey buddy the daily limit is 10😌. Nice mess of bushytails!
  7. Looks like a good trip to lake crisco. Congrats on a fine fish fry!
  8. Lots of folks are screaming for higher corporate taxes don't get the idea that corporations where possible raise the price to offset the taxes which affects the consumers. Also raising minimum wage in fast food places are more likely to lead to more automation and staff reductions.
  9. That's a slippery slope my friend 😌.
  10. Seth that is a giant! Congrats! About 6 lbs heavier than my PB rainbow.
  11. Congrats! Getting out and catching fish is success enough. Catching keepers is just a bonus!
  12. Watching Charles Bronson in Death Wish. Saw the Bruce Willis version this summer.
  13. Keeper size is 16 inches. Most are 1 to 3 lbs. Saw one that was over 17 lbs. So they are a solid macro fish species. Hopefully will have some photos to share.
  14. One man's trash fish is another man's life-list fish !
  15. Could be an owl, possibly a screech owl. It would be about the size you mentioned.
  16. I would say that I am more inclined to not wanting to know what I have lost. If I see it and it was a species that I was targeting then it haunts me, like the musky that I lost in the spring, the McCloud rainbow that I missed the hook set in Crane during Taneyfest, the shadow bass and chain pickerel I lost on my last trip with Ham....! Thanks for bringing up painful memories buddy !
  17. There you go DJ trying to return this thread back to Phil's big fish !
  18. QB I have eaten quite a few. After I graduated high school my mom moved to Wilmington NC and I spent two summers working in Wrightsville beach. We would spear fish the inlet jetty quite a bit and tautog or blackfish were mostly what we would take home. I also used to catch them when I worked in Newport Rhode island. Depending upon their size I would bring one or two home for dinner. They are a white fish similar to cod or pacific rockfish. I don't know if I will catch any keepers on this trip. Really just hoping to put one more species on the list before the end of Dec . Actually Monday is supposed to be a fair weather day .
  19. Some of my better rock bass photos This one got me out into the current and I really had to horse it in. I was worried about breaking my #6 leader. Caught this one with @Terrierman during Jigfest 2017. He had to control the boat while I reeled this guy in so that I wouldn't lose it.
  20. Must be filling up on carp to get a belly like that one😁!
  21. Would love to see a photo of that replica. That's a toad!
  22. Only when you take them for granite😂!
  23. Got my Betterhalf's permission to book a trip off shore for tautog on Christmas eve. I have the opportunity to catch another species for 2018. This trip will likely cost more than I had originally figured. That's because my Betterhalf and daughter will be heading down with me and we have a hotel booked for Sunday night. Also they are going to go shopping while I am out fishing. I will post any fish that I catch.
  24. Rick I caught that "rock bass" with you last year at jigfest. I had a great hookset on that rock😂.
  25. Oh the horror!
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