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big c

Fishing Buddy
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About big c

  • Birthday November 10

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ankeny Iowa/The Village At Indian Point
  • Interests
    Bass fishing,Police work (Retired)

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Golden Redhorse

Golden Redhorse (20/89)



  1. Thanks for the report and link!
  2. Outstanding information, thanks Bill!
  3. Happy birthday sir.
  4. Very good! We've been catching them pretty good around our area, not really going far. Kip is working from here for a couple more days then headed back to Iowa. We usually get out around 3:30 when he gets done for the day. Anyway, still in the red/black Skeeter. Hollar if ya see us! That goes for all on here, stay safe. Chris
  5. We got out for a few hours Saturday the 12th. Seven caught, three keepers. One largemouth, two small ones just outside Indian Point on a secondary gravel point. Ned and baby brush hog, both pbj. Vernon, did I just (1500 hrs Sunday) leaving Rock Lane cove? Hope all are doing well. Chris and Christopher (Kip).
  6. Thanks for the great info, as always!
  7. Yes to 0600, and worms. I would be most interested in learning where (type of structure/depth) to be fishing this time of year. Also being shown geographicaly and on sonar what different structure looks like to find similar areas. The number of fish caught isn't as important as learning from a guide the type of areas and techniques most likely to catch a few this time of year. I think if you want to catch numbers you're wasting time. When with a guide pick their brain on a technique or two and have them explain/show you so you learn it. The best part of learning from a guide is finding your own area similar to what you were show. Then use the technique shown and catch 'em! Just my thoughts but thanks for asking!
  8. Ok, thanks! I'll let ya know when we get in.
  9. Mike, I'll be back next Monday afternoon for a couple weeks. Maybe you can show me a trick or two? Take care
  10. Great report and thanks!
  11. Wow! Thanks for the info!
  12. Good luck and take care. I am trying to become the guy you told me about a few years ago (retired now) when describing the tiki bar at Rock lane. Still have your post/response when we bought on Indian point. My all time favorite. Anyway, best of luck.
  13. Great job!!
  14. That's fantastic
  15. Very cool, thanks!
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