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Bigmouth Quillback

Bigmouth Quillback (6/89)



  1. Sir: Were you fishing from your boat or wading at Rim? Just curious Thanks CMoore
  2. In a nutshell, you got the stuff watered in the greenhouse then you s__t your pants! After cleaning your boots n self you decided to airyate the lawn but the mower won't start, While hooking the charger up you fell and had a hard time getting up with one arm, but made it back inside. Then the wife comes home and gets you up to pick peppers and clean the garden. So now you are going to mow and till the garden tomorrow, if the mower and tiller starts and you don't s__t your pants again. Is this accurate, or did I miss something?? CM
  3. Sending prayers for all concerned and hoping for successful outcomes. CM
  4. You sure are consistent Sir, Carry On and wish I could get down to fish.
  5. Sir: I have exactly what you are looking for, a 119 One Line just as it left the factory in 1961 +-. I inherited this and another Buck 121 over 30 years ago and they are 100% pristine. I have followed for a few years but never got around to listing. The only issue is no box for either. I have the ability to get you good pics if there is an interest. Chuck Moore
  6. I got a feeling the caddis may have been good but so is the guy on the other end of the fly line. I sure enjoy seeing the beautiful fish Sir, Carry On. CM
  7. Oneshot, when you say Hog, do you mean a whole Hog, or are you talking about a ham? How does one cure a whole Hog? Glad it turned out good. CM
  8. The lady at the trailer house was a trip, told me I was a dummy for parking under the walnut tree (walnuts were falling). I can't remember if it was $ 2 or 3 to fish there but a bargain for sure and a great fishing hole, days gone bye!
  9. Everyone needs friends like yours, enjoy your pies Oneshot and have a great Holiday Season.
  10. Greetings: Any chance you got by Oneshot's place on Thursday?

    1. fishinwrench


      I did.   The place looked like it had been ransacked.   Not sure what went down there, but it didn't look like it was a good time. 

    2. cmoore03


      Thanks, doesn't sound good.

  11. In case there is any doubt, Wrench is my kind of guy, few and far between, " call me and I will tell you how to fix" no 3 week wait. Hard to believe in this day and age, like folks were 40 years ago. Carry on Young Man as you are definitely appreciated, by some. Chuck Moore
  12. Hey NetBoy, I have admired your post over the last year and feel you must have been an umpire in a previous life as " you call them as you see them". You take care Sir.
  13. You need to get a humidifier ASAP. Mine put three gallons of water out daily. Your skin will feel much better and your furniture and cabinets will thank you. It is hard to believe how much wood shrinks when dried.
  14. Back in the day, $ 600 under a floor mat was called "Afro-American Affulent"" as I recall.
  15. I recommend a pair of 2X6's on end with a 1/2" spacer and according to electrical code the junction box can't be concealed. Don't want the wall to settle on your new doors. CM
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