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snagged in outlet 3

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Everything posted by snagged in outlet 3

  1. Darn! My hopes are dashed…😆
  2. When your done can you flash the PCM on my old truck please?
  3. Thx!! I swear you could throw a bobber in the water without a line on it and I’ll stare at it all day😆🤷‍♂️
  4. I know lots of guys buy high dollar reels and I have to. But I’ve been using this one exclusively for the past 3 years without issues. I won a sales contest and used the gift card to replace all my pfluegers with these. Lighter, deeper spool, great drag and higher gear ratio. $67. Regal LT Deep Spool Spinning Reel
  5. Big Thanks to all you guys that served. It never crossed my mind at that age to go in the service. But now that I’m older (old) I wish I would’ve.
  6. My buddy and I hit out around 10 and quit at 2. WT had dropped to 50 from 55 on Wednesday. And the fish didn’t like it. I caught 4 any buddy caught 2. Biggest was a 17.5”er. River dropped significantly too. Made running even more sketchy. I think the fish are still in winter mode.
  7. Thanks!! I got out yesterday!! Today the girls are pampering me.
  8. My in-laws farm was a quail haven for decades. About 400 acres with nice thick fence rows and intermittent wood lots. It was common to jump 5 or 6 different coveys on each hunt. Back then the locals would do planned horseback hunts running dogs for coyotes. They would notify everyone in the area and my father in law would put his cattle in the coral so the dogs wouldn’t bother them. They would run coyotes all over the county. I enjoyed seeing them come the area. Sometimes as many as 25 on horseback. Then people began to complain and the tradition died off. Now you would be lucky to jump one covey on the same land. And in fact, the last time we hunted several years ago we jumped so many coyotes it was ridiculous. My father in-law said the demise of coyote hunting is what devastated his quail population.
  9. I can’t stop laughing 😆
  10. I do. The wind was blowing down current and between the 2 it wouldn't hold on the big gusts. set it up per the directions but that was back in 2017. I'll have to look at the settings again. I also think I need a tune up. Brushes maybe. On the river or Taney it's running nearly 100% on the time. Especially in spring when the river is high and when Taney is generating.
  11. It was unbelievable. Blew me right off spot lock like it was nothing.
  12. I think I'm going again tomorrow even though it has the wind symbol on my weather app. Local weather said gusts were up to 50 MPH yesterday!
  13. Got on the water around 10. WT 55. Slightly muddy to murky. Bummer. Ran about 6 miles and fished back to the ramp. Clouds, wind driven riffles and recent high water made it tough to see where to go since the river changes. I dinged around a bit heading up. Jig and crank did the damage. Couldn’t fish anything else with the wind. And I mean WIND!!!!! I left at 2 and had a really good day. A bunch up to 15”, couple 16’s and 17’s and an 18”. Lost a really big one because I didn’t get off spot lock. By the time I realized how big it was it was too late. 🤷‍♂️. The first heavy black line is 15” second one is 20”. Pics for @Johnsfolly😁
  14. Oh man thx! I’ve wanted them but kept telling myself I’ve got enough cranks already😆
  15. I Never put them away. Just change depth and colors.
  16. Beaker 😆
  17. Cold is a good excuse to go to FL in February!!!!
  18. After reading this post I finally sold my pond prowler on FB. I hadn't used it in 3 years. All the lakes and ponds I used to go to are overrun now and the fishing in them isn't what it was. All in with troller, seats and battery I was at $900.00. Used it for 15 years and sold it for 650.00. The guy didn't have a truck but wanted it badly. I told him if he came by and paid me I would deliver it. He was so happy it was unbelievable really. I kind of had regrets while following him to his house since I've had one for 40 years at least. But his happiness and gratitude made up for it. I wish him well.
  19. Actually I think people these days are more careful than previously. Everyone I know, including my adult children either Uber or hire out a company to haul them around. My buddies at the lake hire "captains" to pilot their boats so they can party. Not saying everyone does it but the smart ones do.
  20. Wasn't there talk of this before? Why would it dry up?
  21. That might be an exaggeration 😆
  22. Ivermectin with Fenben/Menben. Some people are taking it in conjunction with chemo. Check out Dr William Makis MD.
  23. TN and SC are in the mix.....
  24. I've built two homes and Bradford's were offered the same way. The first time I took them. In this house (built in 2002) I declined and so did everyone else here.
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