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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by liphunter

  1. Your scratching your screen right now, aren't you? lol
  2. Sounds like a job for the county bomb squad or your wife!🤮
  3. They might. That stuff isn't cheap!!!
  4. I wish that Washington DC had a sign like that!!!
  5. I had a armadillo problem a couple of years ago. It was bad. Tried lot's of things. Grub and insect killer helped. Shooting them didn't hurt, but I get sleepy. lol The thing that helped the most under the advice of others was, coyote urine and cayenne powder. I made little coyote urine bombs out of some water bottles and cotton balls. Spread them round the yard. Put the cayenne around the entrance to there yard condo. It worked for the most part. Draw backs are: Chasing a pack of coyotes around with a ladle!!! 😁 The reason I bring that up is. I wonder if that would work on those cats???
  6. I reload all my hand gun ammo and my 223. I was pretty well setup on reloading supplies and have cut back on my shooting some. More of a hand gun junkie. Anyway, I haven't kept up with the ammo problem. Glad it's getting better. Tin cans are gathering in groups. Might need to take a few out.
  7. I didn't know Bo either. I enjoyed his post and saddened that he had to move on. God bless him and his family!!!
  8. I read that three times and the only thing I came away with is, wife skinny dipping!!!🤣
  9. Really nice photography ness! Enjoyed the pictures!
  10. OOHRAH!!!!
  11. Many time I have drug one in and wondered what they would be like. I think maybe sometime this year I am going to find out. Thanks for the input.
  12. Give it hell wrench!!! Speedy recovery!!!
  13. Good for you Bill. That answers one of those lifetime bucket questions I had. "What do fishing guides do when they retire?" Good luck!!!
  14. That's pretty much the same path I took. I went with the six year Corp vacation plan, and of course I'm better looking. But other than that. Ditto.
  15. True that Jerry!!!! When I go looking for short small mouth. I don't waste my time going over there.
  16. Condolences One shot!
  17. Phil also has a facebook page and a daily fishing video, usually on Lake Taneycomo. Called One Cast. Their very good at showing and explaining, what they are doing, and how to do it. 👍
  18. He is on occasion funny. I always thought. If Rodney Dangerfield ever had love child. It's got to be him.
  19. Well that can't be right? The government should take charge and fix that!!!
  20. Got out yesterday morning for the first time in awhile. Probably about the middle of one of the worst colds I have ever had in my life. But the alarm went off and I was eager. Eager didn't last long. lol Got on the water around 0630. Only lasted a couple of hours. Caught a barely keeper eye right off the bat on an RC. seen a lot of fish and bait. But the bite was not there. Gave out after about an hour. But didn't want to go home. Had my trolling rods with me so I went old, lazy, sick man style, and started trolling. Only mention that because of what happened. I have caught small bass trolling. Usually the occasional small, small mouth. But out of no where I got smacked hard on a fire tiger shad wrap. 17 inch healthy large mouth. Wasn't sure what I had until he came up and cleared the water by a foot. That was a nice finish to a great day!!! Not much of a report, but it was one of those " glad to be alive mornings". Believe me. I don't often have a hallmark moment. lol Not many out for such a nice morning. Water had a little color to it over around Cedar Ridge area. Clear sky. W.T. 77-78 3 feet vis.
  21. I'm headed out tomorrow for the first time since mid April I think. I am jacked and ready to go!
  22. That's would be a bit of a stretch.😉
  23. I think they should end the the urban stocking program and just give people free tickets to outdoor shows. They always have one of those fishing tanks. It's only a dollar and no trout stamp. Looking at it objectively. It's the same thing. Just no ticks and Bosnians. Keep in mind that there is you a heavy influx of rednecks. But being a former redneck, I know what they smell like and I can avoid them.
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