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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. So where is this Beardsley of which you speak? Is it a good spot to fish? Any docks in there? 😆😂😂
  2. I've seen migrating pelicans a couple of times up around Eagle Rock ... specifically, on the long, shallow buoy point on the east side just below the Hwy 86 bridge. There are lots of them at Grand Lake in Oklahoma, but I think many of those are year-round residents. I see them at all times of the year and all over the lake. That lake has more baitfish than any lake I know, so they have worlds of food.
  3. Maybe the peacocks hate you! Have you ever considered that? 😆 😂
  4. And there you have it ... now all of the struggling local guides like Babler, Buster and others can get off Taneycomo and head back to TR for the forthcoming bass bonanza! 😆😂
  5. Why not buy an annual pass and have the convenience of launching wherever you want? 🤔
  6. Enjoyed the video and agree fully ... solitude is always a dream of mine when I go fishing.
  7. I could see it being a straight-up SM or a meanmouth. But if I had to bet, I'd say the latter.
  8. I'm picturing everything from drones to nuclear-armed missiles. 😅
  9. Your little fishing spot better be boobie-trapped at DEFCON 1 level if you aren't gonna be there to defend it yourself! 😅
  10. It's certainly about time for that spinnerbait bite to get going in the rivers.
  11. Great story and an even better takeaway. We all get impatient and fail to show compassion for others, even though we know better. The past few months have taught me firsthand that everyone is going through something --- and even if they aren't at the moment, they soon will be. That's just how life on this imperfect earth works. Between my dad passing, my mom going downhill at an alarming rate, trying to manage their affairs from 3.5 hours away, Covid policies creating havoc at work, etc., I haven't been at my best lately but I'm sure others have been patient with me. The least I can do is return the favor.
  12. One factor is that we've all been pushed around so much by the jackwagons of the world that it's pretty easy to be hypersensitive about stuff like backing down the middle of the ramp. I seriously doubt that you're a jerk but the guy who backed down beside you didn't know that. He was probably just reacting to having that same thing done to him a dozen times. The real jerks make life harder for all of us.
  13. Lots of information in that report! Tells you just what stage the fall season is at right now and where it's headed. And what a gorgeous smallmouth! Did you happen to check it for a tongue patch? Almost looks like it could be one of those meanmouths with a spotted bass shape and pure smallmouth markings.
  14. For sure, being certain that loved ones know Jesus as Savior makes death a lot less "final" but still never easy to deal with. Prayers for this family.
  15. When you combine the rampant lack of respect for others, ignorance/wanton disregard of boating law/etiquette, alcohol, outright stupidity and other factors, the end result can only be more accidents and a whole lot less enjoyment for everyone. We are living in some very sad times.
  16. Heck, I thought 35 feet was beating the banks for BB!!!! 😁
  17. It all comes down to paying attention, slowing the heck down in potentially dangerous situations, and using COMMON SENSE. Of course, it's impossible to use something you don't possess.
  18. Hey Steve, sorry you had this encounter. I fished derbies for 40 years and still fish one occasionally, but the disrespect shown by SOME (that means NOT ALL) tournament anglers for EVERYONE else on the lake is one reason that Donna and I decided that we'd rather fish for fun than money. For us, the two just were not synonymous anymore. Hope your rig is running good now and that you are finding some fish to catch. Fall fishing is coming soon.
  19. Everyone should show respect for the position of POTUS, regardless of your personal feelings about the man. If you don't like the man, do your part to vote in someone else. But don't disrespect the office -- that rubs a lot of us the wrong way who put our lives on the line for this still-great country.
  20. Thanks, Edwin. Appreciate your thoughts and words.
  21. It's a looooooonnnnnggggg way from Kim City to India. Just sayin. :)
  22. You guys are all too much. There can't be an internet group like this anywhere. Love you all. Thanks once again for the thoughts and prayers.
  23. Perhaps it wasn't the single act of tying up to the buoy, but the culmination of a summer of disrespect from self-entitled Richard Craniums. Shoot, make that years of disrespect. I know Spoony and can vouch that he's not the violent type ... I'd like to have some of his patience.
  24. ^^^ Bingo!!!! I don't see any of it as wrong or unfair. It's just a different means to the same end. I fished Central Pro-Am for 8 years and qualified 7 of those years for the championship. Not bragging, just saying that to underscore the fact that I could probably count the fish on one hand that I caught in all of those years after seeing them on my graphs. It's not easy going offshore and finding fish in open water, then figuring out how to catch them. Neither is it easy to eyeball miles and miles of shoreline and be able to pick out the relatively few productive stretches and know how to present your lure in just the right manner to get bit. Bill Babler and I are as polar opposite as you can get when it comes to our fishing strengths. Yet, I respect his ridiculously great prowess at catching fish in the middle of the ocean, and I'm confident that he respects my ability to catch em from the skinny water. I'm just hoping that EVERYONE eventually has LiveScope and all those other toys so that I'll have all those miles of shoreline to myself. 😆
  25. My dad and I used to troll open-water creek channels in summer months on Lake Ouachita with Cordell Hot Spots, Big-O's and sometimes mid-size Hellbenders for bass and crappie. We caught a lot of fish that way and many were big slab crappie. We had no depth finder back in the 60s and early 70s.
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