Sorry to break it to you old guys, but delayed gratification is becoming a thing of the past. It's sad really because those are the principles I was taught and it is the way that I work. But most employers are headed in the other direction. Where they try to squeeze more and more out of people, while giving less and less.
It's happened to people I know.
It happened in the company I worked for before and it's happening in the company that I work for now.
It's happening in the company that my wife has worked at for the past 30 years. That 30 years means absolutey nothing to them.
It's a different world than it used to be. And if we follow the credance being set by succesful CEOs, nobody should spend any of their time working for free.
However, I know there are still some great people to work for out there. People that will see that benefit and take care of people. Those are the great places to work.