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Flysmallie last won the day on March 11

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About Flysmallie

  • Birthday 01/01/1871

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  1. I think the friend thing was made up. He obviously has none.
  2. Yeah but it's a phone and the quality is not the same. My Nikon has IS and seems to work pretty well but I've gotten used to the way I handle it when trying to stabilize a shot. A handle on top helps a lot. I have a GoPro that is much better at IS but the quality isn't as good as the Nikon. I have a smaller gimble that I have used with a phone in the past but it doesn't see much use anymore. It did work extremely well though. I've looked at gimbles for my camera but I don't have the need for one that I used to and can't justify the expense.
  3. Fancy! Doesn't that thing have stabilization built in? Gimbles are fun though.
  4. Sorry to break it to you old guys, but delayed gratification is becoming a thing of the past. It's sad really because those are the principles I was taught and it is the way that I work. But most employers are headed in the other direction. Where they try to squeeze more and more out of people, while giving less and less. It's happened to people I know. It happened in the company I worked for before and it's happening in the company that I work for now. It's happening in the company that my wife has worked at for the past 30 years. That 30 years means absolutey nothing to them. It's a different world than it used to be. And if we follow the credance being set by succesful CEOs, nobody should spend any of their time working for free. However, I know there are still some great people to work for out there. People that will see that benefit and take care of people. Those are the great places to work.
  5. I like that! Got a cool old nostalgia feel.
  6. Should be there anytime.
  7. I'm a bum but I did drop them in the mail in Springfield yesterday.
  8. Flysmallie

    What's Cooking?

    Smart man.
  9. I got no dog in this fight but it’s cool to see Daniel Abreu out there playing for Drake. I took a lot of pictures of him when he played high school basketball at Willard.
  10. Looks delicious Wrench! Fishing in this kind of wind just sucks, no matter the style.
  11. Wayne was the best. I didn’t get to spend a bunch of time on the water with him, but he was a great friend to have when my dad was going through his battle with cancer. Wayne had the same type and pretty much the same treatment. He kept me going through all that.
  12. Happy birthday! I had a birthday but nobody took me fishing. I gotta work on that.
  13. All mine and the guys they have chosen have turned out great. One teacher, one stay at home mom, and one getting ready to apply to law school.
  14. I had shingles flying off the house before the storms even started. Got a big dent in a fender when the basketball goal was pushed into it. BB goal has been there for over twenty years and this is the first time it’s ever blown over. But my stuff is tiny compared to what others went through.
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