Ham made the trip over from Mountain Home today and we were targeting bream. We fished banker's hours, from 0830 until around 5 PM. We mostly fished red worms on drop shot rigs, we threw a few bass lures around, but the bass weren't cooperating so we pretty much stuck to pan fishing. We caught somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 bream, mostly bluegills but we did get a few very nice redears. Ham caught a redear that measured 11.5 inches and I think we caught another 4 that were in the 10-11 inch range. Bluegill were all in the 6-8 inch range, but Ham again had big honors with a bluegill that unfortunately we did not measure, but it might have made 10 inches, it was a really nice gill. Ham did get a picture of it.
I kept about 8 gills and one redear.
@Johnsfolly, @ZigJigman, @BilletHead
One of those jumbo redear:
A few other species:
Ham will add some other pics when he gets a chance, he's probably still driving right about now.