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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I participated in that sale myself.
  2. Way to go Bill! (I know where that spot is). 😄 Good luck up by Eagle Rock if you go there, and I'll be curious to hear now you do. I hope next week isn't a wash out, I haven't been on the Rock in a while and would like to get up there and give it a shot.
  3. That bluegill Ham caught was really a big one, much bigger than any of the other gills we caught. Interesting coloration too, greenish/blue head and had an overall kind of blue look to it, colors didn't quite come through on the photo.
  4. Some quality fish there Mike. What size ned head are you using?
  5. Ham made the trip over from Mountain Home today and we were targeting bream. We fished banker's hours, from 0830 until around 5 PM. We mostly fished red worms on drop shot rigs, we threw a few bass lures around, but the bass weren't cooperating so we pretty much stuck to pan fishing. We caught somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 bream, mostly bluegills but we did get a few very nice redears. Ham caught a redear that measured 11.5 inches and I think we caught another 4 that were in the 10-11 inch range. Bluegill were all in the 6-8 inch range, but Ham again had big honors with a bluegill that unfortunately we did not measure, but it might have made 10 inches, it was a really nice gill. Ham did get a picture of it. I kept about 8 gills and one redear. @Johnsfolly, @ZigJigman, @BilletHead One of those jumbo redear: A few other species: Ham will add some other pics when he gets a chance, he's probably still driving right about now.
  6. Well I can't say I am happy to see the Bruins lose, but congrats to the Blues and their fans.
  7. That's a really nice pumpkinseed. Ham is coming over here tomorrow, we're breaking out the red worms and Power Bait. Many species could get caught.
  8. Good stuff, glad to see ya'll had a great trip!
  9. Hope all goes well!
  10. Yeah I think you move about a 1/4 inch "farther out" every year. 😄
  11. Nope, so far I have just buried one at a time. Thanks for the report, 21 lbs. is a great bag. Was it 5 fish or 6?
  12. Don't be giving away my secret locations!
  13. I believe the BPT guys get 2 full practice days prior to fishing, so with good electronics and 2 days to ride around, they should have found the fish. Tough for the weekend fisherman to devote that much time looking around.
  14. I'll say it one more time, I have tested the non-ethanol fuel I get here in AR and it does not contain any ethanol. Could there be trace amounts? Maybe, but it certainly isn't 10%.
  15. Wheeler could be the best out there right now in the professional ranks. Not saying the best all time, but he could definitely end up being one of the best all time.
  16. I found the one I have, going to put a feathered treble on the back and replace the front hook and give it a shot one of these days. King Shad on top, Wake Shad below.
  17. I know people up in Maine would wear the equivalent of a hazmat suit when going fishing in the spring.
  18. The infamous blackflies, used to get them in Massachusetts, but never got swarmed by them. They are supposedly really bad in Maine during the spring.
  19. There's a video of KVD fishing a Wake Shad on TR that I have seen. Someone sent it to me and I can't find it or I'd post it here. My bet is he was fishing a Wake Shad which looks pretty much like the King Shad, just different bill. I'm pretty sure I have one somewhere.
  20. Blues are just looking like the better team. I hope the Bruins can pull off a game 6 win and make it go to 7, but I am doubtful.
  21. Sounds like a great trip and good on you guys for packing out the trash.
  22. That makes sense, if you have enough fish that you are going to make the cut, might as well quit sticking them and instead focus on finding them for the next round.
  23. Forgot to check who won until now - Wheeler pulled it off, good for him.
  24. That first bass looks like it is about 4 feet long! 😃 Congrats on some great fish!
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