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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I don't follow the Blues, but I do follow the Bruins.
  2. I thought the hooks on the 125 were a tad small, but they have not been a problem with stripers at all. They are super sharp, haven't had very many fish come off once they get hooked. Don't have any of the 105's.
  3. Bobby Lane 95 lbs. today. I'd like to watch some of the coverage tomorrow, but I have stuff to do. Last 30 minutes could be fun to watch if there's several guys close to the lead and the coverage shows them.
  4. Yep, SB 125.
  5. Hail here last night around 1 AM, golf ball sized also, woke me up. Fortunately no damage. The weirdest thing was there was also lots of inter-cloud type lightning, not much striking the ground, but a lot of aerial stuff. Flash-flash-flash for about 30 minutes. I don't think Beaver is going to come up much, looked like about a 1/2 inch to an inch in the drainage area for that lake.
  6. I think that if the scales themselves were an issue the anglers would bring that up. They can also do a re-weigh if they want, and sometimes they do.
  7. Those are some fatties!
  8. I caught a hybrid winter before last that was about the same size and that was the last one I have caught until today. Could've been a little school of them, I had several hits on the plug, one of them knocked it about three feet in the air and when it came down that dude grabbed it.
  9. Got to the launch just as it was getting light, cold and a bit breezy out. Went looking for top water striper activity and did not find much at all. Had a few blowups close by and caught a hybrid that went about 4 lbs., but after that saw just a couple of isolate blowups. Did some motoring around all the way to Clifty looking for stripers, never did find any. So, fell back to plan B and started fishing for bass, threw the c-rig for a bit, caught a few smallies on it, tried the Ned for a while, caught a couple on it, finally fell back on the 3.3 Keitech and found some fish on a cove bank that had some docks. The fish were either around a dock or off the bank in 5-10 FOW. Caught 15 bass, 3 were keeper sized smallies. Dark clouds were beginning to loom, so I left around 1 PM. WT 71, water is stained green pretty much all around the dam area. This post has been promoted to an article
  10. I believe you are right, I certainly don't expect numbers to be the same, but average fish should be bigger at Grand. Might see crank baits as a factor also. Looking forward to it.
  11. Good tips, I haven't tried one of those performance hoodies yet, is it relatively comfortable in hot weather? I have used the Glacier Gloves, I liked them as far as wearability, but had a hard time cleaning them, they are dirt and fish slime magnets, and the washing machine doesn't get them clean - looking for some tips on cleaning them if you or anyone else has any.
  12. Something I have fished a bit is to take the Magnum Caffeine shad and fish it on a 3/4 oz wobblehead, drag it on the bottom. Good early morning summertime thing.
  13. Wheeler with 24 bass already.
  14. Whew, yeah 90 minutes of work? Just thinking of that much toil is making me think I need a nap. Which BTW is another side benefit to the retired life, nap time whenever you want.
  15. You need to do things in reverse to catch walleye - go bass fishing first, that's when you'll have your best shot at a walter, then later in the day target walleye, and you'll probably get a bunch of bass.
  16. Congrats!
  17. Well I sure picked up some ideas from watching today, only watched about an hour total, but learned a few things.
  18. I watch it on my computer so I guess it might be different than a phone app, but on the first page there's a tab for "Event Coverage", click on that and you should see a "Watch" tab on the next page. Also, they don't start the live coverage until 9 AM Central today.
  19. Cliff Pace is out to an early lead, 14 for close to 20 lbs. Not someone I would had suspected would do well, but it's still very early.
  20. I did not see any wrapped boats up the White, of course I could've missed some if they were there, but they certainly weren't swarming the area.
  21. Well Wrench if you have a copy lying around, looking at Ebay and Amazon they are selling for $150 minimum.
  22. That would be a little further, I would have to come across the Eagle Rock bridge to get there. Eagle Rock is a few miles closer to me, but I haven't had much luck up there lately.
  23. Well I have to say my results were a bit disappointing, really thought I would get into them, but it did not happen. Just couldn't find where they were. tried a lot of different terrain, gravel points, rocky points, back in some coves and windy banks. Threw top water, c-rig, wobble head, jigs, and the Keitech. Every once in a while I'd catch a bass. Caught 13 total, 2 were keepers sized smallies. Caught a couple of walleye, one was a keeper. Rolled out at 1130, I could have stayed another couple of hours, but I know when things aren't going my way and I doubt staying another couple of hours would've mattered that much. Never have hit a deer in all my travels, but got one today on the way back, on one of the side roads going towards HWY 86, the deer came from the left side of the road, sprinted right in front of the truck, I had time to apply a little brake and WHAM! Hit her right in the hip with my front bumper. It was a really loud whack, thought I would've killed her for sure, but looked back and she was gone. No damage to the truck either. WT 70, water is stained, there are a few ig floaters out there so watch out.
  24. Did you get him signed up on the OA forum?
  25. Having watched many an MLF, I am a believer in speed, catch a fish, weight it, release it, and get up there and get that next cast in. Some of the guys seem to be good at fast tempo fishing, others not so much.
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