Well I have to say my results were a bit disappointing, really thought I would get into them, but it did not happen. Just couldn't find where they were.
tried a lot of different terrain, gravel points, rocky points, back in some coves and windy banks. Threw top water, c-rig, wobble head, jigs, and the Keitech. Every once in a while I'd catch a bass. Caught 13 total, 2 were keepers sized smallies. Caught a couple of walleye, one was a keeper.
Rolled out at 1130, I could have stayed another couple of hours, but I know when things aren't going my way and I doubt staying another couple of hours would've mattered that much.
Never have hit a deer in all my travels, but got one today on the way back, on one of the side roads going towards HWY 86, the deer came from the left side of the road, sprinted right in front of the truck, I had time to apply a little brake and WHAM! Hit her right in the hip with my front bumper. It was a really loud whack, thought I would've killed her for sure, but looked back and she was gone. No damage to the truck either.
WT 70, water is stained, there are a few ig floaters out there so watch out.