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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Seedless fruit usually costs a bit more. I know typo, but I could not resist.
  2. Funny how trailer tires attract sharp metal objects. This is the 3rd flat I have had to change out in the 5 years I have owned this trailer. Truck tires have been fine.
  3. It's been a fun tourney for sure, 2 number one seeds out already, and I think Gonzaga looks shaky (I'm pulling for the Zags BTW). As far as the Hogs, I agree they got hosed as far as fouls, but they didn't help themselves by missing the free throws they had. They didn't score in the last 3 minutes, and I got a bit frustrated in that they just had a guard out there dribbling as the shot clock wound down and they end up taking desperation shots. Can't start out down 17 either against a team like NC.
  4. Saw this mentioned in the paper. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2017/03/06/2017-04279/endangered-and-threatened-wildlife-and-plants-technicalagency-draft-recovery-plan-for-the
  5. I'd bid $5.00.
  6. Quillback

    Lincoln Lake

    Lomond has a lot of water willow on the banks, don't know if the draw down will hurt it, but it is all over the place. Lots of little bass in Lomond, and also some good ones.
  7. Dang that's one big paddler. Might be a line class record for that species, assuming your young'un was using light line for that Shad Rap.
  8. Hoping all goes well for your father!
  9. Got my trailer back, must have picked up this hitchhiker on the way home. I'll be visiting the tire shop tomorrow.
  10. The AGFC biologists will tell you that high water is key to fry survival on Beaver. Fry have to have someplace to get away from the predators.
  11. Yeah I like their tubes, but never have tried their grubs. I don't fish grubs very often, probably should fish them more, but there is so much stuff to fish it's hard to fish everything. Here's a link, they have a color called "Bloody Mary" that is Smoke/Red/black/copper. May not be what you guys want. http://www.drycreekoutfitters.com/category_s/78.htm
  12. Quillback

    Lincoln Lake

    I don't even know where Lincoln is. I bet every lake in the area was busy yesterday.
  13. Beautiful day, I can see where there might be a boat or two out on the lake.
  14. Less than a week until the Classic..
  15. You don't have bass in that pond? What's up with that?
  16. Truth be told it will catch you some dinks. My saying on that is that It gives you something to do while waiting for the big one to bite.
  17. Some nice fish you guys are getting!
  18. El Presidente for free! Nice...
  19. Nice looking ride for sure.
  20. I only wear one that has one of my sponsors logos on it.
  21. I have seen reports on the national fishing boards on guys catching them on the Ned up north. I guess you'd have to swim it through those weeds. Might be worth trying some of the small swimming baits Z-man makes.
  22. Nah, we haven't been more than a mile from any ramps. The other day fishing from the bank, after fishing for a while, I caught some with fresh hook holes in them. I can't be sure but I think either I or Muddy had caught those fish earlier in the day.
  23. 5.1 on the scale, didn't get the story done before you clicked on it. I have trouble posting a pic on top and then adding text, have to do it in a 2-step process.
  24. Got the boat back today, met Muddy Water at Eagle Rock for a few hours fishing. We fished the Ned and in 3 hours caught some where between 30-35, half dozen keepers, nothing special except the 5.1 Muddy caught. (That fish looked to be an easy 6 to me, but 5.1 on the scale). Fish were right on the bank for the most part, structure similar to what you see in the background. Had some yahoos fishing from the courtesy dock, they had their boat tied up to the front of the dock, as far as we could tell, they launched their boat, tied up to the courtesy dock and commenced to fishing. Makes no sense but from what we saw alcohol or some other substance may have been involved. 5 of them fishing off the rather small dock and I had to ask them to move so I could drop Muddy off to get the truck. Sheesh. They were pretty civil about it for the most part, one of them was a obviously pregnant gal and she told me I had a "nice boat". And when we were tying the boat down she hollered at us and asked us if we wanted a cigarette. Muddy hollered back that smoking is bad for your health, LOL. Just as we were leaving another rig came in, they' probably had to go through the same drill as the folks on the dock had retied there boat and deployed the fishing gear.
  25. Put a fence in the middle of that lake.
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